Bieito Pérez Outeiriño

Category: Archaeologist, Professor and writer
Birth Date: 5th September 1954
Birth Place: A Mezquita-A Merca (Ourense)

He took a degree in Philosophy and Arts (specialised in Archaeology) at Valladolid University in 1989, entering the Corps of Curators in 1995. He was the curator of the National Museum of Roman Art in Mérida (1987-1993), head of the Archaeology Service (Xunta de Galicia, 1987-1993), subdirector general of the 'Instituto de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales' (Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) (Xunta de Galicia, 1993-1998) and director of 'Museo de las Peregrinaciones' (since 1998). His research works are based on the study of the prehistoric goldwork of the peninsular Northwest, management of the cultural heritage and museums. He directed several campaigns of archaeological excavation in San Cibrán de Las (Ourense) and the Citadel of Mérida (Badajoz), taking part in many excavations and archaeological activities. He gave many courses and lectures.

 Work & Activities

These are some of the most important books he has published: De ourivesaria castrexa. I, Arracades, Ourense, 1982; Museo Nacional de Arte Romano. Madrid, 1988 (in collaboration) and Sellos de alfarero en terra sigillata hallados en Mérida. Mérida, 1991. He has also published over a hundred articles such as: 'Os ornitomófogos no conxunto dos motivos decorativos da orfebrería castrexa' (1980), 'Informe sobre las excavaciones arqueológicas de 'A Cidade de San Cibrán de Las'' (1985), 'Torques' (1986), 'A Cidade de San Cibrán de Las. Obxectivos e resultados das últimas intervencións arqueolóxicas (1982-1983)' (1987), 'Almacenamento da materia prima entre os ourives castrexos. Lingotes planoconvexos' (1992), 'Primeiras manifestacións da ourivería no noroeste peninsular' (1985), 'Estado da cuestión acerca do nacemento da ourivería no noroeste peninsular e as primeiras etapas do seu desenvolvemento' (1999),..

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was the coordinator of the team that wrote the first draft of the Law of Cultural Heritage of Galicia and the file so that the Roman Wall of Lugo could be considered as Heritage for Humanity.