José Antonio Caride Gómez

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Date: 18th December 1955
Birth Place: Vilamarín (Ourense)
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In 1983, he took his doctor's degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Pedagogy) at Santiago University with an extraordinary prize. Since 1979, he has been working as Social Pedagogy Professor within the department of Theory and History of de Faculty of Educational Sciences at Santiago University. He teaches Social Pedagogy, Environmental Education, Programmes of Cultural Activities and takes part in different postgraduate and doctorate courses. As Professor, he visited different European and Latin American Universities (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Portugal and Switzerland). He directed research projects, doctoral theses and minor theses. He is the president of different committees that organize congresses and scientific meetings and member of the editorial staff of several specialized magazines about Education. He also coordinated different programmes of university cooperation ('Alfa', 'Intercampus', 'Sócrates', 'Erasmus'...). He has written many books, monographs and articles about education and rural development, education and society in Galicia, social education and cultural policy, educative and social time, strategies and programmes of environmental education, theories and methodologies in social pedagogy. He filled the following offices at Santiago University: research vice-chancellor in the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences (1984-86), assistant manager of the Institute of Educational Sciences (1987-90), director of the 'Theory and History of Education' department (1991-97) and president of the Committee of Cultural Activities of the university staff (1990-94).

 Work & Activities

WORKS: 1988: A educación en Galicia. Informe Cero. 1990: A educación en Galicia: Problemas e perspectivas. 1991: O Asociacionismo Cultural en Galicia; Educación Ambiental: realidades y perspectivas. 1992: Factores personales y contextuales: su influencia en el rendimiento académico. 1993: A xornada escolar de sesión única en Galicia. 1996: A participación nas escolas galegas. 1997: Pedagogía Social; Animación Sociocultural: teorías, programas y ámbitos, Imaxes e realidades ambientales, Racism in Europe: A Challenge for Youth Policy and Youth Work. 1998: Current Changes and Challenges in European Teacher Education: Galicia, 131 conceptos clave en Educación Social. 1999: Pedagogía Social especializada, Administraciones Públicas y Movimientos Sociales, As cidades e os rostos da exclusao. 2000: Animaçao Teatral: teoría e práctica, Educación Social e Políticas Culturais. 2001: Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Humano.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Since May 2000, he has been editor of the magazine 'Adaxe' (Faculty of Educational Sciences).