She took a degree in Geography and History and graduated in Teaching. She worked as a teacher in Lugo, Cangas de Narcea (Asturias) and Ferrol, where she has been living since the 1980’s. She combined her studies with artistic drawing; she studied oil-painting techniques with Antonio Fernández and watercolour with José González Collado.
GRAPHIC ARTS: She attended a course on aquatint at the International Engraving Centre (CIEC) in Betanzos in 2008 and a course on lithography by Omar Kessel in 2010.
2003: J. G. Collado, Estudio 23 (Ferrol).
2004: First small-format exhibition, Athenaeum (Ferrol).
2005: Second small-format exhibition, Athenaeum (Ferrol).
2006: Third small-format exhibition, Athenaeum (Ferrol).
2007: 6th edition of ‘Fonte do Milagro’ Painting Contest, O Caurel (Lugo); 5th edition of ‘Memorial Corsino Suárez’ Painting Contest, Noreña (Asturias) and first painting contest organized by the City Council of Monforte (Lugo).
2008: 5th Small-format Exhibition, Athenaeum (Ferrol); 5th edition of ‘Hórreos y paisajes’ Painting Contest, Bueño (Asturias); ‘IX Certame de Pintura Rápida de Oscos’, Villanueva de Oscos (Asturias), 34th edition of San Miguel Painting Contest, Pravia (Asturias); Watercolour collective exhibition, Casino (Ferrol); 1st Painting Contest, Rábade (Lugo) and first edition of ‘Antonio Yebra de Ares’, Monterroso (Lugo).
2009: 6th Small-format exhibition, Athenaeum (Ferrol); 6th edition of ‘Memorial Corsino Suárez’ Painting Contest, Noreña (Asturias); 2nd Painting Contest, Rábade (Lugo); 9th edition of ‘Cidade de Lugo’ Painting Contest (Lugo); 2nd edition of ‘Antonio Yebra de Ares’ Painting Contest, Monterroso (Lugo); 6th edition of ‘Hórreos y Paisajes’ Painting Contest, Bueño (Asturias); 1st Painting Contest in Vilalba (Lugo); 4th Painting Contest in Mines, Eidos – Porriño (Pontevedra); second edition of “A Festa da Historia de Ribadavia” Painting Contest, Ribadavia (Ourense); 1st Port Authority Painting Contest (Ferrol); "El bodegón en la Pintura", collective exhibition organized by the SAF, Casino (Ferrol).
2010: “Ellas en el Arte”, Aires de Córdoba Gallery (Cordova); collective exhibition in Huila - Colombia and at the Museum of Neiva (Colombia); Auction pro “HAITI”, Caixa Galicia Foundation (Ferrol); 17th Painting Contest in Sariego (Asturias); 2nd Painting Contest, organized by the IESCHA, Vilalba (Lugo); 5th Painting Contest in Mines, Arteixo (A Coruña); 5th Painting Contest in Alcorcón (Madrid) and “II Salón de Arte Cialec”, Aires de Córdoba Gallery (Cordova).
2011: “La mujer en la pintura”, Casino (Ferrol); first edition of “Memorial Carlos Perille” Contest, Ferrol (A Coruña); collective exhibition at Pers Polis Gallery (León); Third Painting Contest in Vilalba (Lugo); collective exhibition in Huila - Colombia and at the Museum of Neiva (Colombia) and exhibition organized by the SAF, Casino (Ferrol).
She is a member of the ‘Sociedade Artística Ferrolana – SAF’.
There articles about her in La Voz de Galicia, Diario de Ferrol, Revista de Aires de Córdoba, web pages of the Sociedade Artística Ferrolana, Athenaeum of Ferrol and ‘Pintores galegos’.
PRIZES AND SELECTIONS: In the last years she has been participating in painting contests in Galicia, Asturias, Madrid and Valencia.
2007: Honourable mention at the outdoor painting contest in Monforte de Lemos (Lugo).
2009: "A festa da Istoria de Ribadavia" (accesit), Ourense.
2007: She was selected at the painting contest of Noreña (Asturias).
2008: She was selected at the painting contest of Rábade (Lugo).
2008: She was selected at the painting contest of Monterroso (Lugo).
2009: She was selected at the painting contest of Noreña (Asturias).
2009: She was selected at the painting contest of Monterroso (Lugo).
2009: She was selected at the first painting contest organized by the Port Authority of Ferrol (2009).
2010: She was selected at the contest organized by the Extremaduran Association of Alcorcón (Madrid).
2010: She was selected at the contest of Gilet (Valencia).