Jesús Devesa Múgica

Category: Doctor
Birth Date: 19th March 1946
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)
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He took a degree in Medicine (University of Santiago, 1970) and a doctor’s degree at the same university (1973). He works as a Professor of Human Physiology in the Faculty of Medicine in Santiago, endocrinologist and head of the Special Biochemistry Laboratory at the University Hospital in Santiago.

 Work & Activities

These are his most important research works: “Regulación de la secreción de la hormona de crecimiento”, “Hormona de crecimiento y supervivencia celular”; “Nuevas aplicaciones terapéuticas de la Hormona de crecimiento” and “Control del crecimiento y muerte en las células leucémicas. Miostatina, un nuevo péptido regulador negativo del crecimiento muscular”. He has directed twelve doctoral theses and has written 123 articles in national and international scientific magazines. He has also collaborated with 430 reports in national and international conferences.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded nineteen autonomic and national research prizes. He developed therapeutic applications of the growth hormone in sports medicine (bone fractures).