He graduated in Teaching (Audition and Language) at the University of A Coruña (UDC) and specialised in Development of Computing Applications at Isidro Parga Pondal Institute. He also studies Law at the University of A Coruña.
Together with Antonio León, he played in La Mezquita and Tirando Pa´Lante, which was the first band that fused blues and flamenco in Galicia. After making and producing the first record by Antonio León, Javier Prado created his own project: Moondogs Blues Party. He recorded and produced all instruments of his first record (“O Cadelo lunático”), which was awarded the first prize of “Talentos 2007” Contest, EL PAÍS. He sells his music in Canada with Kerf Music and the North American producer Kris Kaczor has used his theme “Walking night in Missisipi” for a DVD of the Institute of American History about slavery. Today, he is recording the themes of his second record (“Thirty Roads”). He collaborates in several musical and cultural projects such as “Esencia de Trementina”, a poetry audio book by Cristina Corral Soilán. He is the secretary of “Desire” Cultural Association and co edits "16 Toneladas" (fanzine).
At the moment, he develops e-learning contents at Netex.