He studied Secondary Education in Santiago and Chemistry in Madrid, taking his degree in 1922. In 1923, he started to work as an assistant lecturer of Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry in the Faculty of Sciences at Santiago University. He attended doctorate courses in Zurich, coming back to Santiago University in 1933. When the Geochemistry Laboratory of Santiago de Compostela University was created, Isidro Parga started his investigations on Galicia and trained the first Spanish geochemists. In 1934, he finished his doctoral thesis at Madrid University. At the beginning of the Civil War, he was removed form his post as Professor and he retired to Laxe (A Coruña), where he created a mining company to exploit kaolin. Some years later, he installed there the Geological Laboratory of Laxe. In 1945, he collaborated with the Spanish Geologic and Mining Institute. In 1954, Leiden University collaborated with his programmes and so did Montpellier, Strasbourg, Zurich, Munster and Lisbon Universities shortly after. In 1962, he worked as a teacher at 'Lucas Malleda' Secondary School.
His first works on Geochemistry were published in the magazine of the Seminary of Galician Studies (he was a member of this institution). He also published Mapa Geológico de Galicia (1963), shortly after he made provincial maps and Mapa Geológico de la Península Ibérica (1970). He also made two cartographies of the massif called 'Macizo Hespérico Peninsular' (1962 and 1982). Many of his studies and research works were published.
He was awarded the following prizes: 'Ramón Mourente' Prize (1958), 'Pedrón de Ouro' Prize (1965), Science Prize awarded by the County Council of A Coruña (1972), Research Prize awarded by Santiago University and 'Menéndez y Pelayo' University, Castelao's medal, etc. He was conferred the titled 'doctor honoris causa' at Santiago de Compostela University in 1983. He was honourable president of the Galician Academy of Sciences and member of the Academy of Doctors (Madrid), the Academy of Sciences (Madrid), the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Art (Barcelona).