Herminia Pernas

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Date: In 1967
Birth Place: Burela (Lugo)
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She is a Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research line focuses on the social history of Galicia (doctoral thesis: La condición obrera en Santiago de Compostela durante el siglo XIX, directed by Professor Justo Beramendi). She also made contributions to other fields of the same discipline such as the socio-political dynamics and the behaviour of the urban elites throughout the 20th century, the migratory movements, the history of leisure time and the genre historiography. In 2002 she was awarded Xohana Torres Research Prize with a study on women in Compostela at the end of the 19th century and first third of the 20th century. In 2008 she was awarded the second prize at the first edition of Máximo Sar Contest with “De Carmiña a Doña Carmen. Unha experiencia de vida”. She has given lectures and presented reports in national and international conferences. She took part in several research projects at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Museo do Pobo Galego. From 1999 to 2007 she gave doctorate courses in the Faculty of Geography and History (USC).
Since 2007 she has been organizing courses in PLATEGA (Xunta de Galicia). She works as a teacher of Secondary Education. 

 Work & Activities

-Historia das mulleres en Galicia. Época Contemporánea (2011).
-Esquecidas pola historia: as mulleres compostelás entre finais do século XIX e o primeiro tercio do XX (2003).
-Las clases trabajadoras en la sociedad compostelana del siglo XIX (2001).
-She directed the publication of A gandaría, tesouro de Galicia (2006). Together with X.L. Balboa, she published Entre Nós.
-Estudios de arte, xeografía e historia en homenaxe ó profesor Xosé Manuel Pose Antelo (2001).

She also wrote many articles for magazines and newspapers.