Gilberto Suárez Méndez

Pseudonym: Zeraus: en temas deportivos e Ibáñez.
Category: Publicist
Birth Date: 31st July 1936
Birth Place: Ribadeo (Lugo)

He does not consider himself as an outstanding Galician man but only a good man from Ribadeo, who did his best for his village. He is a member of the following societies: "Amigos de la Gaita", "Filantrópica", "La Concordia", "Ribadeo F.C.", "Amadores de la Música", "Biblioteca El Viejo Pancho", "Asociación de Ex- alumnos Menesianos", "Peña Madridista con el Nº 1", etc. He has worked as a correspondent for the newspaper El Progreso, nowadays he goes on writing for 'A Mariña' (supplement of El Progreso). He saw about the public festivities in Ribadeo on 18 or 20 occasions and was on the board of directors of the football club 'Ribadeo F.C.' on twelve occasions. He was also on the board of directors of 'Cáritas' for two years and councillor of the political party 'PSOE' for four years. He always worked actively and enthusiastically to improve his village. He was the performer of the group 'Follas Novas' on the tour around Argentina in 1985. He continues to work for Ribadeo and writes about football and other themes of the village. Nowadays he is retired.