Francisco Rozados

Pseudonym: Rochi
Category: Writer
Birth Date: In 1963
Birth Place: Forcarei (Pontevedra)

-Degree in Contemporary History, University of Santiago (1986) and rural development agent.

-Manager of ‘Leader + Montes’ (rural development programme) and founder and coordinator of ‘COTAREDO’ (cultural magazine).

-Collaborator of La Voz de Galicia (Deza-Tabeirós-Montes edition) with ‘A Balada do Candán’.

-Collaborator of Faro de Vigo (Deza-Tabeirós–Montes edition) with ‘Ecos Mettacios’.

-Councillor responsible for Culture at the City Council of Forcarei (1999).

-Author of the texts and coordinator of ‘’.

 Work & Activities


-’Forcarei, no berce do Umia e do Lérez’ (Forcarei, 1992).

-‘Terra de Montes’ (Everest, 2000).

-‘Memoria de Trasdomonte’ (Ediciones Fervenza, 2003).

-‘Chano Piñeiro’ (Ediciones Fervenza, 2003).

-‘Cotaredo’ (cultural magazine), Forcarei (annual edition).

-‘Forcarei. Historia fotográfica do século XX’ (Pontevedra County Council, 2005).

-Linguistic advice in ‘Muíños Tradicionais en Pontevedra’ by Federico de la Peña Santos.

-Linguistic advice in ‘Amelia de Terra de Montes’ by Federico de la Peña.

-Linguistic advice in ‘Os Froitos da Pedra’ by Federico de la Peña.

-Joint author (with Bofill) of the comic biography of Avelino Cachafeiro, the piper from Soutelo (Faro de Vigo, 2001) and Chano Piñeiro (Faro de Vigo, 2001).

-"Raiolas no Faiado" (Sotelo Blanco, 2008).

 Other Interesting Aspects


-Prize at the 12th edition of ‘Camilo José Cela’ Narrative Prize (2001) for ‘Unha campa na congostra de Rebordechao’.

-Prize at the 6th edition of ‘Reimóndez Portela’ Journalism Prize (2001) for ‘Ler ou non ler, esa é a cuestión’, published in La Voz de Galicia.

-2nd prize at the 8th edition of ‘Anxel Fole’ Narrative Prize for ‘A Muller que non comía’.

-Prize at the 11th edition of ‘Manuel Oreste’ Narrative Prize (2006) for ‘Raiolas no faiado’.

-"Concello de Marín" Narration Prize (2006) for 'O Empeine'.

-Prize at the first edition of "Xoán de Cangas" Short Novel Contest with "Transparente, cronosférico e omníglota segredo de Don Amaro Loureiro e a súa alma perdida e recobrada".

-Anxel Fole Prize (10th edition) for "O Bestiario Máxico do Abade Eliseo".