Francisco R. García Fernández

Category: Cardiologist
Birth Date: 3rd february 1952
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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-Primary Education at San Paio de Antealtares School (1955-1959).

-Secondary School and preparatory one-year course for University at La Salle School in Santiago (1960-1969).

-Degree in Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela (1969-1975).

-Student at “Gil Casares” Hospital, Santiago (1972-73-74 and 75).

He collaborated in Pneumologic Clinic, Cardiology and Thoracic Surgery (Tutor: Dr. Manuel López Sendón).

-Voluntary assistant doctor at the Coronariopathy Service of the Department of Internal Medicine (La Paz Hospital, 1976).

-Houseman of Cardiology, La Paz – Madrid (1977-78 and 1979).

-Rotation in different services: Adult Cardiology (1977) (Clinic, Phonomechanocardiography, echocardiography), Child Cardiology (Clinic, echocardiography in M and 2-D mode, Doppler and Doppler Color, Hemodynamis, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), Cardiac Surgery for Children (1978), Hemodynamics Unit and Adult Cardiac Surgery (1979), Coronariopathy (1979), Arrhythmia Unit (1980).

-Expert on Cardiology in 1979.

-Lung and heart specialist at Vicente Soldevilla National Health Clinic, Madrid (January 1980 – June 1981).

-Doctorate courses at the Faculty of Medicine – Autonomous University of Madrid (1986 and 1987): History of Medicine, Biostatistics, Pschychosomatic Medicine and Clinic Oncology.

-Doctor’s degree (cum laude) in Medicine and Surgery at the Autonomous University of Madrid (1990). Doctoral thesis: “Las Alteraciones Cardiacas en la Espondilitis Anquilosante. Identificación y Estratificación de los Factores de Riesgo”. Director of the thesis: Professor Dr Luis Martín Jadraque, Professor of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid and head of the Coronariopathy Service at La Paz Hospital (Madrid).

-Since 1991, he has been working at private hospitals and clinics.

-Head of the Cardiology Unit at “RUBER INTERNACIONAL” Hospital from June 1987 to 23 February 1995.

-Cardiologist in the Clinic GAMMA in 1995.

-Private surgery since 1995 in Concha Espina Street in Madrid.

-Medical adviser of First Division football clubs of Madrid in several stages (1993 to 1997), (1991 to 1995) and (1995 to 2004).

-Cardiologist of the Medical Services of the Official Bank (Banco de España, The Stock Market, Banco Exterior de España, Banco Hipotecario, ICO) from 1995 to 2005.

-Member of the medical panel of several insurance companies (MAPFRE, ADESLAS, SANITAS, CIGNA, AXA WINTERTHUR, ARESA, Canal de Isabel II, Mutualidad de Aduanas) since 1990.

-Member of the medical panel of the Bar Association of Madrid, Solicitor’s Association and Industrial Engineers Association since 1990.

-Founder and manager of CARDIOGAR SL (medical services company).

 Work & Activities


-Member of the editorial staff of “Cardiología 90” and “Monocardio”. He supervises themes related to Clinical Cardiology and Ischemic Cardiopathy.

-Member of the Spanish Society of Cardiology since January 1980.

-Member of several sections of the Spanish Society of Cardiology: (Ischaemic cardiopathy, graphic registers, sport and cardiopathies, electrophysiology and arrhythmias, preventive cardiology and clinic cardiology).

-Member of the Hypertension working group at the Spanish Society of Cardiology.

-Member of the Castilian Society of Cardiology since 1980.

-Secretary of the Castilian Society of Cardiology from 1986 to 1990.

-Member of the board of directos and governing body of the Spanish Medical and Surgical Academy since 2003.

-Associated member of the Galician Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery since December 2007.



He has published many works in national and international journals and conferences.

He has been tutor of 10 classes of first year of Cardiology MIR and the six month Cardiology rotations of 110 residents of several specialities.

In 1991, he presented his doctoral thesis in the UAM and abandoned the Insalud to be a private doctor. Since then, he has published more humanistic and informative works than academic ones.

He has presented and collaborated in scientific works of national (119) and international (21) journals, communications in national (121) and international (15) conferences and has taken part in books of his speciality (9).



-Member of the Spanish Society of Medical Writers since 1995.

-Usual collaborator of “EL CORREO GALLEGO”.

-He was awarded the second prize at Máximo Sar Journalism Contest in 2003 (City Council of Caldas de Reis) for his article “Los Cincuenta Veranos de Don Gerundio y Doña Berenguela” published in El Correo Gallego about two baptized palm trees.

-Finalist of Reflexiones Prize (“Revista Médica”) in 2001 with two articles: “Déle al eledelee” and “Una arteria de A Coruña late en Detroit”, published by El Correo Gallego.

-Finalist of Reflexiones Prize (“Revista Médica-Sanitaria”) in  2005 for his article “La guerra de Irak en el ágora de ASOMEGA” published by El Correo Gallego.

-Participant at the 4th edition of González Ruano Journalism Prize with the article “El encanto (y algo más) perdido de la visita médica” published in “El Correo Gallego”.

-Author of several lectures about Cardiology and Humanities in La Casa de Galicia in Madrid.

-Author of a chapter in “Cincuentenario del Colegio La Salle”, where he recreated his young experiences.

-Member of the ‘Enxebre Orden da Vieira’.

-‘Madrigallego de Oro’ in 2003.

-Main Brother of the ‘Cofradía del Capón de Vilalba’ in 2007.

-Member of the Association of Galician Doctors (ASOMEGA) from 1997 to 2002.

-Secretary General of ASOMEGA from 2002 to 2008.

-President of  ASOMEGA since 2008.

-Member of the Alumni Association of the University of Santiago since its foundation.

-Brother of ‘Nuestra Señora del Rosario’ Brotherhood (Santiago) since 1994.

-Knight of St George Military Order since 1996.

 Other Interesting Aspects


-“¡Ojo con el corazón!”, in AS (Madrid, 1993).

-“Aguas de Reyes en Caldas” (to the Professor Fernández Mariño), published in El Faro de Vigo.

-“Novoa Santos a la Academia”, in La Voz de Galicia (2008) and in the Sunday supplement of “El Correo Gallego” in ASOMEGA section.

-“El Profesor Domínguez y el Premio “Novoa Santos”.

-“El encanto (y algo más) perdido de la visita médica”.

-“El Profesor Fernández Mariño: Una Vida Dedicada  A La Medicina”.

-“Noticias sin ansiolíticos”.

-“Por Tierra, Mar y Aire”.

-“Los eternos enemigos del corazón”.

-“Añoranza del Barco “K”.

-“Los Tsunamis, el Cambio Climático y la Medicina”.

-“Caba la higiene mental de la gente corriente”.

-“Cuando los remedios vienen más despacio que los males”.

-“La obesidad y otros pecados capitales”.

-“Don Condumio José”.

-“El codiciado voto de tu vecino”.

-“Tratamiento de las asteriscopatías”.

-“Dele Al Eledeele”.

-“Una arteria de A Coruña late en Detroit” (to Professor Berguer, 5th Prize “Nóvoa Santos”).

-“Historia de un pandeiro. Érase en Caldas” (to Professor Potel, 11th Prize “Nóvoa Santos”).

-“La lluvia duele por barrios en Madrid”.

-“Otra comedia de equivocaciones”.

-“El 11-M de frente y de perfil”.

-“Conciencias hipotecadas”.

-“Dos Españas, dos Marías”.


-“Cenismos y nos”.

-“Novoa Santos, Teijeiro, ello y aquello”.

-“Isaac Díaz Pardo, ouro de Asomega”.

-“Vanidades con talante de Suevia”.

-“Himnos, naciones y su viceversa”.

-“El conflicto de Irak. En El Agora de Asomega”.

-“Los Príncipes de Asturias en Asomega”.

-“El Sms en El Agora de Asomega”.

-“Otero Novas, Darwin y las fatalidades”.

-“El paciente respondón”.

-“El estrés del palanquin”.

-“Montagü, Viruela, Balmis. De Turquía A (¡La, La Lá!) Coruña”.

-“Novoa Santos, Año Cero”.

-“Noticias con ansiolíticos”.

-“Koiné, el gallego como lengua”.

-“El C.A.B. A La  A.C.B. (Obredaorio, Forever)”.

-“La sonrisa como terapia”.

-“El “Nóvoa Santos” de Asomega, el éxtasis y otros tormentos”.

-“Romería de peregrinos en Roma”.

-“Política con Cardenillo”.

-“Ensanchar y anchear”.

-“Flor de pino, a estas alturas”.

-¿Pero por qué (todos) no os calláis?.

-Romería de peregrinos en Roma”.

-“La ayuda militar soviética a la República”.

-“De cuando éramos inútiles”.

-“Romance de lobos en El Callejón del Gato (A mi tío-primo Borobó)”.