Fidel Vidal Pérez

Category: Psychiatrist and painter
Birth Date: 19th January 1942
Birth Place: Santa Uxía de Ribeira (A Coruña)

He studied Medicine at Santiago University and specialised in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurophysiology. He also teaches Psychosocial Sciences and Psychiatric Nursing at the Nursing College of 'Juan Canalejo' Hospital in A Coruña. He is a member of the Galician Association of Mental Health. He was one of the founders of the publishing house 'Del Rueiro' Publications and the magazines 'Man Común'. He also collaborates in the magazines 'Luces de Galicia'.

 Work & Activities

As essayist, he published the following books: 1971.-Xustificación de acto suicida . 1974.-Consideracións psicolóxicas sobre o bilingüismo en Galicia. 1976.-Linguaxe e desenrolo psicoafectivo. 1976.-Aprendizaxe social e conducta humana. 1977.-Sexualidade e represión (prologue). 1978.-Psiquiatría comunitaria e Psiquiatría da comunidade. 1980.-Unha alternativa psiquiátrica para unha sociedade doente (Galicia). 1980.-Piaget: a busca das fontes do coñecemento. 1980.-Basaglia: no manicomio comeza a nosa cultura. 1988.-Heteronimia e identidade: o caso Pessoa. 1991.-A intimidade do nome. 1995.-Xénese da palabra. 1996.-O saber de Manuel Antonio. 1997.-Arte e Esquizofrenia. He also wrote the book Anatomía de la emoción poética, Do Castro Publications, Sada (A Coruña), 1999. As a painter, he exhibited some of his paintings in Galicia, Madrid, Barcelona (Ajuntament, 7 Formes), Huelva (Homage to Joan Brossa, County Council), Utrecht (Casa de España), Seattle-USA (a Periodic2), Museum of Contemporary Art in Florianópolis (Brazil), Milan (Dalla mia fenestra), Oslo (H2O, International Mail Art), Ontario (Canada) (Windsor University).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He also collaborated with Mani Art (France), Art-life (USA), Edition Bauwagen (Germany), Leopold Bloom (Hungary) and Copy-left (Switzerland).