Enrique Líste Forján

Pseudonym: Lister
Category: Polítician
Birth Date: 21st April 1907 (†8th December 1994)
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela

When he was eleven, he emigrated with his father to Cuba to meet his brothers who were already living there. When he was fourteen, he was arrested for delivering a package with a bomb inside and was condemned to a remand home in Guanajay. In 1924, he was nominated as syndical delegate of the Stonemason Union and entered the communist party in 1927. On several occasions, he was arrested for being a communist and taken to prison. He took an active part in all the big battles during the Civil War. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in the republican Army and laid down his arms in France. In 1939, he went to Russia into exile, where he took part in the I World War. But he also went to France, Czechoslovakia and once again to France, where he fixed his residence.

 Work & Activities

He published two books: Nuestra Guerra and ¡Basta!.