He studied Philosophy and Arts at Deusto University (Bilbao) from 1977 to 1982, taking his doctors degree on 18th April 1997 at Santiago de Compostela University with his thesis Cerámica común romana de cocina y mesa de Lucus Augusti.
In 1975, he took part in the first excavation at the archaeological complex of Ampurias, a Greco-Roman city in Gerona. While he was studying, he spent the summers excavating in the following sites: Poblado de la Hoya (Laguardia Álava - Iron Age), Forua (Guernica - Vizcaya - Romano) and the Roman Military Camp 'Aquis Querquennis' in Ourense. From 1984 onwards, he focussed his activity in Galicia, especially in Lugo (from 1986 onwards), the so-called Lucus Augusti, where he has collaborated in most excavations both as collaborator and director. As a result of these works, he focussed on the study of Roman ceramics in Lugo, which was later reflected in his doctoral thesis Cerámica común romana de cocina y mesa de Lucus Augusti, published by 'Pedro Barrié de la Maza' Foundation in 2001. His last works focussed on the Roman Wall of Lugo, which got the distinction 'World Heritage'. He also organised several exhibitions on Archaeology (1987, 1993, 1996 and 2001), taught Archaeology in Lugo (1989-92) and participated in doctorate courses (1999 and 2000).
He is a member of 'Larouco' Group and the editorial staff of the magazine of the same name. He is also the secretary of the Foundation of 'Aquis Querquennis' Museum, partner of the firm 'Groma, S.C. Traballos arqueolóxicos', founder and partner of the firm 'Moenia. Arqueoloxía y Patrimonio' and manager of the firm 'Moenia Arqueoloxía, S.L.'.