Enrique Bande Rodríguez

Pseudonym: O Sande
Category: Theologist and writer
Birth Date: In 1936
Birth Place: Sande (Ourense)


He studied Humanities, Philosophy and Theology at the Seminary in Ourense. He took a degree in Holy Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and History at Madrid and La Laguna (Tenerife) Universities. He attended doctorate courses at Santiago University and at the moment he is preparing his doctoral thesis. He spent seven years as a priest in Ourense and entered the Military Corps in 1977. Then he became a teacher of Secondary Education, nowadays, he is working at 'Ramón Otero Pedrayo' Secondary School in Ourense.

 Work & Activities

He published the following books: Los Santuarios Marianos en el Valle Medio del Arnoya; La Romería de San Torcuato; Orense hace cien años; Basilio Álvarez. El Redentor del Agro Gallego; Teoría Política de D. Eloy Luis André; El Orfeón Unión Orensana; Daniel Piñeiro. Escultor y Artista; El Entroido. Rito e Simbolismo; El ciclo festivo ourensán; Guía histórico-artística de la ciudad de Orense; Palmés. Retazos de su Historia; La ermita de Santo Domingo de Xirazga; Ourense no século XX; La diócesis de Orense. Evolución Histórica; La parroquia de San Pedro de Bande; El templo parroquial de Videreferre, Os labores dos nosos devanceiros, El Instituto Provincial de Segunda Enseñanza de Orense, Inventario de Fondos Parroquiales de la Diócesis de Orense, Inventario del Fondo de Protocolos Notariales 1415-1902; ...

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was a diocesan archivist for twenty years in Ourense. He also participated in several conferences as a rapporteur, made speeches for different festivities and worked as a radio scriptwriter. He collaborated in specialised magazines and regional newspapers and took part in artistic exhibitions as an art critic.