David Pernas Lázaro

Category: Actor
Birth Date: 8th june 1968
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He studied different disciplines with the following teachers:
Clown: Johnny Melville (2004); Carlo Colombaion (2000, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006); Jango Edwards (2002); Eric de Bont (1998); Joseph Collard (2005) and Antón Valén (1999).
Mime: Blanca del Barrio (2005).
Comic acrobatics: Andrés del Bosque (2002).
Magic: Pablo Muñoz (2004).
Comedy: Leo Bassi (2005) and Carlo Bosso (2006).
Movement: Norman Taylor (1999).
Languages: Spanish, Galician-Portuguese, English (Basic level) and French (Basic level).

 Work & Activities

THEATRE: He has been an actor since 1992 and since 1995 he has been directing Trinke Trinke Theatre Company for children, carrying out reading encouragement activities in Galician libraries with his characters “Mice of the Library”. In 2002, the City Council of Cambre, where David Pernas plays “Moucho Leroucho” (the organiser of the reading encouragement activities), was awarded the third National Prize of the Ministry of Culture and the FEMP for this sort of activities. Trinke Trinke has made several theatre stagings with the Galicia Symphony Orchestra of the promotion of symphonic music among children: “Roque e os Pitiflautas” (1997), “O Gatipedro” (1998 and 2000) and “A princesa e a Pardela” (1999). In February 2006 he first performed “Os soños na gaiola”, which is a play inspired in the books of the same title written by Manuel María. Clown of “Os Colombaíños” Company, where he participated in the first performance of the same title, directed by Carlo Colombaioni. Actor in “O Coelliño Branco Rebranco”, Danthea Teatro (2000). “As Aventuras do Príncipe Sincaldo e as  Burbullas de Xabrón” (passacaglia), Trinke Trinke (1997). “Os Leriantes”, Trinke Trinke (1998). AUDIOVISUAL:  Actor in “O peso do fume” (2006), a short directed by Javier Cea. SPOTS ON TV: “Fénix buen conductor”, The Family, Madrid (2005). “Supermercados FROIZ”, Lúa Films, A Coruña (2003). ADVERTISING: Theatre director of Caixa Nova ‘NX’ campaign (2004).

 Other Interesting Aspects

TEACHING: He gives courses on the expressive and dramatic resources applied to teaching for different teacher training centres in Galicia (Vigo 2006, A Coruña 2003 and 2005, Ferrol 2004, Xunta de Galicia 2005 and Galicia Social and Pedagogical Association 2003). In 2005, he set out a report in the Faculty of Educational Sciences – University of A Coruña (“Teatro de animación para animación á lectura”).