Daniel Río Rubal

Pseudonym: Caxigueiro
Category: Sculptor and ceramist
Birth Date: 6th March 1955
Birth Place: Mondoñedo (Lugo)
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After his staying at the Seminary of Ceramic Studies in Sargadelos, he establishes a special relationship with ceramic materials, which are present in most part of his work. From 1990 onwards, he focusses mainly on the concept 'installation'. Narration, social themes, the use of the ground and the presence of poetry together with the mixture of different currents such as conceptual and minimal expressionism are recurrent themes in his work.

 Work & Activities

He made his first exhibition in Lugo in 1980, although it is in the 90's that his work becomes more important. His work is present in all Galician galleries and in the most important collections (Fenosa, Caixa Galicia, Caixavigo,...). Besides, he took part in several art events such as 'Arco' or 'Foro Atlántico'. INSTALLATIONS: 1990: 'Guerreiros', 'Pablo Gargallo' Museum, Zaragoza. 1992: 'Sair, Mudar'. Urxencias III, Moaña. 1996: 'O Bosque das Ausencias', 'Clérigos' Gallery, Lugo. 1998: 'A lingua da memoria', 'Pardo Bazán' Gallery, A Coruña. 1999: -'Xeografías' Fifth 'Foro Atlántico', 'Pardo Bazán' Gallery stand. -'Camuflaxe', 'Bacelos' Gallery, Vigo. 2000: -'Tras del silencio', 'Bacelos' Gallery stand(Madrid, 'Arco'). -'Linguaxe e memoria', 'SCQ' Gallery, Santiago. He has taken part in several institutional exhibitions such as: 1993: 'Trazos e camiños', itinerant. 1994: 'Escultura ibérica actual', itinerant. 1997: 'De Asorey ós 90. A escultura moderna en Galicia' (Auditorio de Galicia). 2000: -'Galicia Terra Única' ('Barrié Foundation). -'Escultura gallega contemporánea. La cerámica como punto de partida', itinerant. -'Diálogo con el silencio', Santo Domingo de Bonaval, Santiago.

 Other Interesting Aspects

BIBLIOGRAPHY: -Summa Artis. Cerámica española by Trinidad Sánchez Pacheco. -Enciclopedia proyecto Galicia, 'Hércules' Publications by Antón Castro and Severino Penelas. -De Asorey a los 90 (catalogue) by Mª Luisa Sobrino. -Escultura Gallega Contemporánea. La cerámica como punto de partida by Antonio Garrido. -International Magazine about Ceramics.