Sergio Rábade Romeo

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Date: 28th January 1925
Birth Place: Begonte (Lugo)

He took his doctor's degree in Philosophy at Complutense University in Madrid, where he teaches Knowledge Theory of this University. He filled the following offices: -Director of 'Luis Vives' Institute. -Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Complutense University in Madrid). -Vice-rector at Complutense University in Madrid. -President of the Spanish Society of Philosophy. -Rector of San Pablo-CEU University in Madrid. Nowadays, he is a Professor at Complutense University and San Pablo-CEU University in Madrid and director of 'Don Bosco' Studies Centre.

 Work & Activities

WORKS: Verdad, conocimiento y ser - Gredos, Madrid, 1965. Guillermo de Ockham y la filosofía del siglo XIV, Madrid, CSIC, 1966. Estructura del conocer humano, Gregorio del Toro, Madrid, 1971. Descartes y la gnoseología moderna, Gregorio del Toro, Madrid, 1974. Hume y el fenomenismo moderno, Gredos, Madrid, 1974. Método y pensamiento en la modernidad, Narcea, Madrid, 1981. Experiencia, cuerpo y conocimiento CSIC, Madrid, 1985. La razón y lo irracional. Complutense University, Madrid, 1994. Teoría del Conocimiento, Akal, Madrid, 1998.

 Other Interesting Aspects

-?Juan March? scholarship (1960). -?Raimundo Lulio? Prize (1964). -?Alphonso X, the Wise? plaque.