In 1911, he left from Vigo to Buenos Aires, where he began to collaborate in all Galician associations. Some years before the restoration of the Second Republic, he came back to his village and participated in the foundation of several agricultural societies, being on the Agricultural Federation of Tomiño and the Agricultural Judicial Federation of Tui. He also organised and was the president of the association ‘La Aurora del Porvenir’. He was elected mayor of Tomiño during the Second Republic.
After the defeat of the Republican forces, he returned to Buenos Aires and founded several political and cultural organizations. Daniel Calzado also participated in the ‘Consello de Galicia’ created by Castelao to represent Galicia, while there was not a government legitimized on the ballot boxes. In 1965, he was elected president of the Finance Commission. He filled several offices in the so-called ‘Celta’ Group of the Galician Centre.
In 1970, ‘Breogán’ Group paid him a homage as he was the honorary president of the group.