Carmen Rivas Llonín

Pseudonym: Llonín
Category: Painter
Birth Date: 11th November 1964
Birth Place: Lugo
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She is an autodidact.
2000-2003: She studied Drawing and Painting with Xosefina Álvarez Pol.

 Work & Activities

-2002: Pub Goleta, Lugo (May) and O Cafetín, Viveiro - Lugo (July).
-2003: Pub Goleta, Lugo (May), Juanel Gallery, Foz - Lugo (July) and Macondo Gallery, A Coruña (December).
-July 2004: ‘Portas Ártabas’, A Coruña (July), Mariscal Pardo de Cela Fortress, Alfoz - Lugo (August) and Cultural Centre, Foz - Lugo (September).

-2001: ‘I Exposición Artistas Plásticos coa Protectora de Animais’, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo (June).
-2002: ‘+ de arte’, Lugo (October), ‘II Exposición Artistas Plásticos coa Protectora de Animais’, Méndez Núñez Hotel, Lugo (November), APSNAIS, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo (December), Casa de Galicia, Lisbon (September), ‘III Exposición Artistas Plásticos coa Protectora de Animais’, Almirante Gallery, Méndez Núñez Hotel, Lugo (November).
-2003: ‘Centro Comarcal da Mariña Occidental’, Viveiro - Lugo and ‘Ancianos del Mundo’, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo (December).
-2004: ‘Erotizarte’, Esmelgar Gallery, Lugo (June), ‘Expresions’, Xunta de Galicia, Lugo (June), Fishermen Association, O Grove - Pontevedra (August), Ría de Vigo Golf Club, Moaña - Pontevedra (September), ‘IV Exposición Artistas Plásticos coa Protectora de Animais’, Uxío Novoneyra Gallery, City Council of Lugo (December) and Christmas Collective Exhibition, Amararte Gallery, Lugo (December).
-2005: ‘9x1’, ‘Centro Comarcal da Mariña Occidental’, Viveiro - Lugo (March).