Carme Adán Vilamartín

Birth Date: 16th December 1966
Birth Place: Donostia

After returning to her family residence in Lalín, she established herself in Vigo.
She took a degree in Philosophy at the University of Santiago de Compostela and her doctor’s degree in 2002. Doctoral thesis: "Epistemoloxía, natureza e xénero", directed by Mª Xosé Agra Romero at the same university.

 Work & Activities

She wrote a dozen articles and published "Feminismo e Coñecemento. Da experiencia das mulleres ao ciborg".
She has been working as a teacher at the Politechnical Secondary School of Vigo since 1990. From 1999 to 2005 she was the president of Castelao Philosophy Room. In 2005 she became a member of the Gender Technical Commission of the Consello da Cultura Galega.
In 2005 she was elected deputy of the Galician Parliament, representing Pontevedra in the BNG. Then she was nominated as secretary general responsible for Equality within the Vicepresidencia da Igualdade e do Benestar (Xunta de Galicia).