Camilo Díaz was the most important theatrical designer and one of the most outstanding graphic artists in Galicia. He first worked as a draughtsman at the County Council Offices in A Coruña and later for the Town Hall in Santiago.Some of his oils are still preserved, where they show different themes: Galicia, Middle Ages, heraldry and legend.In 1909, he married Antonia Pardo Méndez and had three children, one of them is Isaac, a famous Galician painter and potter. In 1931 he travelled to Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
Some of his most important sceneries are El Monte de las Ánimas by Julio J. Casal, Raíña y o fidalgo by San Luis Romero, Lubicán y Trebón by Armando Cotarelo, Mal año de lobos de Linares Rivas and so on. Together with Castelao, he also made staging and scenography for the play by Cabanillas A man da santiña. As a graphic artist he made illustrations for the collections of literary works Lar and Céltiga and newspapers such as A Nosa Terra, as well as different Galician publications in America (Galicia, Terra galega, El despertar gallego...). In 1929, he published an illustrated narration titled Conto de guerra and some poems. He also made many posters and murals for Misericordia Chapel in Viveiro.