Arturo Brea Pasín

Category: Sculptor
Birth Date: 28th May 1928 (†december 2008)
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


When he was thirteen, he began to work as a carver for ‘Saavedra Hermanos’ in Santiago de Compostela. He studied with Professor Asorey, he also studied solfa and painted in oil with Elvira Santiso. Three years later, he entered ‘Manufacturas Compostelanas’ and began to study Art. In May 1949, he moved to Madrid to know the important museums of the capital. He set up his first studio in A Coruña and when he was twenty-five, he decided to improve his studies in Madrid. Two years later, he gave up teaching and set up his studio in Madrid, coming back to A Coruña in 1957. He carried out some exhibitions in the Association of Artists and exhibited some of his works with Seijo Rubio in Betanzos. In 1963, he was appointed member of the Art Academy. In 1964, he moved to Paris and looked for a studio, where he created exceptional works. A fan club with his name was created in Belgium. On 28th June, he exhibited his works in Paris with a great success, then in Bucarest and at Antik & Kunt Gallery (Düsseldorf, Germany) and other European cities in 1988. He lived in Düsseldorf (Germany) for eight years, where he had his own studio, and studied expressionism in depth. In 1991, he returned to A Coruña and went back to the Art Academy. In 1992, he promoted ‘Espacio Internacional - Carballo 92’.

 Work & Activities

INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS: Círculo de las Artes (Lugo), Association of Artists (A Coruña), Lyceum, Betanzos (A Coruña), Arte Gallery (A Coruña), Caja Municipal de Ahorros (Vigo), Elisees Rond Poin Gallery (Paris), Galerie G. Dünnebacke, Düsseldorf (Germany), Creación Gallery, Saint-Honore (Paris), Ratingen (Germany), Mallmann Gallery, Düsseldorf (Germany), Le Centre de Recherches Creer (Paris), Nova Rúa Arte Gallery (Lugo), Bucarest Gallery (Rumania), Antik und Kunst, Düsseldorf (Germany), Embassy library (Paris), Galician Centre (Madrid), Backe Gallery, Düsseldorf (Germany), ‘Expo Internacional - Carballo 92’, Carballo (A Coruña), ‘Espacio Internacional - Carballo 92’, Carballo (A Coruña), Arte e Imagen Gallery (A Coruña) and José Lorenzo Gallery, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ‘Lófficiel des Arts. Annuair International des Arts Plastiques. sous le haut patronage de la commission franÇaise pour L´Unesco’, 1st volume (France).
-Batik Art - Publiart S.A., Sirga Editions S.L. (New York).
-‘Dienstag’, Bucarest (Rumania).
-‘Kultur-Handbuch’, Kreises Mettmann. Bildende Künstler (April 1986).
-‘Gallegos 91. Quién es quién en la Galicia de los 90’, El Correo Gallego.
-‘Kindler Verlag Zürich. Kurt Fassmann’, Editoriale Giovanni SPA 1986, Vicenza (Italy).
-‘Weltkunst’, Munich (1989).
-‘Gran Enciclopedia Gallega’, Silverio Cañada, editor (1974).
-‘Directorio de Académicos’, Xunta de Galicia, Saf-Arte Galicia, Editores (1966).

 Other Interesting Aspects

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