He took a degree in Galician - Portuguese Philology at Santiago de Compostela University and presented a minor thesis titled A narrativa de Ánxel Fole: Estudio lingüístico e temático (Santiago, 1996). Nowadays, he is preparing his doctoral thesis Obra completa de José María Díaz Castro. Estudio e edición crítica. Nowadays, he works as a teacher in a Secondary School of Pontevedra. He has also worked in the Galician Philology Department (Santiago University). He gave lectures and was a member of the editorial staff of several publications. Besides, he took part as a member of the panel in some contests and collaborated in several collective books, guides and encyclopaedias. He got the following prizes: '17 de Maio' Prize, 1994; 'History of the Cinematographic Galicia' (accesit, 1993), Contest of Poetry Translation (Extremadura University, accesit, 1996) and Xerais Prize to Cultural Cooperation (2004).
As a literary critic, his articles were published in many magazines and newspapers all over Galicia. He usually collaborates in the newspapers El Correo Gallego, Faro de Vigo, Diario de Ferrol, in the magazine 'Tempos Novos' and in the programme ‘Libro aberto’ on Galician TV. He wrote the following books: ‘Ánxel Fole. Aproximación temática á súa obra narrativa en galego’, Vigo, 'Do Cumio' Publications (1996); ‘Ánxel Fole e Á lús do candil’, Vigo, Nigra (1997), in collaboration with Luis Alonso Girgado; ‘O mundo lucense de Ánxel Fole’, Sada - A Coruña, 'Do Castro' Publications (1997), in collaboration with Claudio Rodríguez Fer and Isabel Gómez Rivas and ‘Escritores mindonienses’, Ferrol, 'Valle Inclán' Cultural Society, City Council of Mondoñedo (1998). He also wrote the following editions and introductions: Aníbal Otero, ‘Esmoriz’, edition by Armando Requeixo and Miguel Anxo Murado, 'Sotelo Blanco' Publications, Santiago de Compostela (1994); Luis Seoane, ‘A soldadeira’, edition by Xosé Luis Axeitos and introduction by Mª Fe González Fernández and Armando Requeixo, Sada, A Coruña, 'Do Castro' Publications (1996); Eduardo Lence-Santar, ‘Poesía galega’, edition by Xe Freyre and Armando Requeixo, Santiago de Compostela, Follas Novas (1999); Xosé Díaz Xácome, ‘Primeiras cantigas do amor’, edition by Luis Alonso Girgado and Armando Requeixo, Mondoñedo (1999) and Eduardo Lence-Santar, ‘Etnografía mindoniense’, edition by Armando Requeixo, Santiago de Compostela, Follas Novas (2000); several authors, ‘Materia prima. Relatos contemporáneos’, prologued by Ramón Nicolás and Armando Requeixo, Vigo, Xerais (2002); several authors, ‘Contos de escritoras galegas. Antoloxía da literatura galega’, edition by Elena Zernova and introduction by Armando Requeixo, San Petersburg, Centre of Galician Studies, University of San Petersburgo (2003); Celso Emilio Ferreiro, ‘Viaxe ao País dos Ananos’, edition by Armando Requeixo, Vigo, Xerais, (2004) and Álvaro de las Casas, ‘Cancioneiro Popular Galego’, introduction by Armando Requeixo, Santiago, Follas Novas (2005).
He gave lectures and was a member of the editorial staff of several publications. Besides, he took part as a member of the panel in some contests and collaborated in several collective books, guides and encyclopaedias. He got the following prizes: '17 de Maio' Prize, 1994; 'History of the Cinematographic Galicia' (accesit, 1993) and Contest of Poetry Translation (Extremadura University, accesit, 1996).
In 2011 he was awarded Ánxel Fole Journalism Prize.