Antonio Varela Stolle

Category: Lawyer and writer
Birth Date: 29th September 1821 (†3rd August 1889)
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)

He studied Law at Santiago University and practised as a lawyer in his native city, in Madrid and Uruguay from 1873 onwards, where he filled the offices of public prosecutor and county court judge.

 Work & Activities

He collaborated in the juridical magazine 'Foro Nacional' and published the following books: Explicaciones históricas elementales del Derecho Romano (Madrid, 1858) and Historia filosófica de la francmasonería (Montevideo, 1876). He also wrote the following monographs: Exposición histórico-filosófico-legal del matrimonio, Origen y Real Patrimonio de la Santa Custodia de Jerusalén, De la complicidad en los delitos, Del apremio temporal o prisión por deudas, Del domicilio en España, Del delito de bigamia, etc.