Antonio Pereiro Liñares

Birth Date: 8th April 1950
Birth Place: Tordoia (A Coruña)
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He studied Secondary Education in A Coruña and attended the following courses: “Financiación Comunitaria” (County Council), “Curso Básico de Lengua Gallega” (Política Lingüística, Xunta de Galicia), “Seminarios de formación” (Cánovas del Castillo Foundation), “Jornadas Cinegéticas,” (Consellería de Agricultura – Xunta), “Aplicación Informática de Secretaría” (County Council), “Aplicación Informática do Padrón” (County Council), “Negociar Hoxe” (County Council), “Jornadas de estudio sobre la Ley 53/99, de modificación de la Ley de contratos y su repercusión en la Administración Local” (County Council) and “Curso sobre procedimiento administrativo” (EGAP).

 Work & Activities

1968: He passed the entrance examination for the position of administrative assistant of the City Council of Tordoia.

1982: He was promoted to administrative in the City Council of Tordoia.

1999: He was elected Mayor.

1983 - 1995: He was the president of Alianza Popular in Tordoia and member of the provincial board of the Partido Popular.

1995: He leaded and independent party in the local elections and obtained five city councillors.

1999: He leaded the Partido Popular in the local elections obtaining ten city councillors and since then he is the Mayor of Tordoia

1980-84: Member of the Parent-Teacher Association in the State School of Tordoia.

1984 up to the present day: President of the Hunters Society of Tordoia.

1999 up to the present day: Member of the Galician Hunting Federation.