Antonio López Acuña

Birth Date: 3rd june 1911 († 11 december 1993)
Birth Place: Lugo

He studied Mercantile Teching in A Coruña. He founded Mundo de Ahora (Lugo, 1932) and took a degree in Journalism in 1952, although he had already worked as a journalist in La Voz de la Verdad (from 1933 to 1937) and in Azul (1937). He edited Información de Economía y Legislación Mercantil y Tributaria, the magazine of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Lugo. He worked as a civil servant of Lugo County Council and the National Service of Agricultural Produce.

In 1943, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded him a grant related to zoogen industries. The previous year he had participated in a course on rural industries, organized by Lugo County Council, as official chronicler whose reports and comments, published in Galician newspapers and radio stations, were collected and published under the title of Memoria del Cursillo de Industrias, Rurales. Reportajes y comentarios del cronista... (Lugo, 1942).

He was technical secretary of the provincial vocational training associations in Lugo and the staff of the Secondary School of Ribadeo nominated him as honorary secretary. In 1938, the minister of Education appointed him member of the Patronage for the Promotion of Libraries, Archives and Archaeological Museums. In 1954, he became a member of the Galician Academy and in 1968 he entered the Civil Order of Alfonso X, the Wise King.

He participated in the foundation of the first studio of Galician popular musical instruments in 1952, in collaboration with Antonio Fernández López and Faustino Santalices.

 Work & Activities

He published: Historia de la Biblioteca Provincial (1938); Guía del Productor y Molinero (1943); El Libro del Productor (1944); A B C del Agricultor, con un cancionero de molino (1945) and Comentarios a las secciones de Teología y Derecho de la Biblioteca de la Provincia. He also collaborated in press with the following articles: Los agentes naturales y el trabajo, como elementos fundamentales de la producción (1929), Engrandecimiento económico de los Estados Unidos (1933), El trabajo (1935), El problema de las clases trabajadoras (1935), Industrias Rurales (1937), Intereses provinciales: repoblación fo­restal (1942), Un dictamen trascendental para la ganadería lucense de principio de siglo (1979) and Embellecimiento del claustro de San Francisco de Lugo. Historia de la Torre del Consistorio, Castro Gil y sus aguafuertes. He is also the author of Estado de las murallas lucenses en el año 1781, Estado de la ciudad de Lugo después de la invasión francesa, Las Casas Consistoriales lucenses, Edificios lucenses del siglo XV, Don Alonso de Lemos y las Casas Episcopales, Edificios lucenses del siglo XV II, El Hospital de San Bartolomé, Una curiosa profesión liberal del siglo XVIII, Barberos, sangradores y cirujanos, Ante la próxima beatificación de un Incensé, el Rvdo. José M." Díaz Sanjurjo. Obispo de Tung-King, Las Reales Fábricas de Sargadelos y la monumental fuente de los leones de Lugo and several transcriptions of historical documents of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.