Antonio Gandoy Díaz

Category: Priest
Birth Date: 7th July 1930 (†11th February 2002)
Birth Place: As Pedreiras, San Fiz (Lugo)

In 1942, he entered the old Labour School and became a carpenter. Five years later, in 1947, he joined a group of hard-working young people to found a group of catholic action in Lugo. In 1950, he entered the Seminary of Lugo, being ordained as a priest in 1961. That same year he was nominated as priest and coadjutor of 'San Francisco Javier' Paris. In 1974, he was elected secretary of regional action of 'Cáritas' and delegate of 'Cáritas' in 1985.

 Work & Activities

In 1956, he took part in the creation of 'Jesús Obrero' Group to know and care about the labour problems. As secretary of regional action of Cáritas, he promoted the rehabilitation of alcoholic people, the attendance to the old people, especially helping at home, as well as the attention to emigrants. In 1977, he started 'Prescolar na casa, Educación Infantil Familiar', an educational programme directed to Galician families of rural areas with children from 0 to 6 years.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 1990, he got the distinction 'Lucense del año' and five years later, he got the silver cross of the Social Solidarity, awarded by the Ministry of Social Matters. In recognition to his social work, the Centre of Old People in Lugo got his name. As coordinator of the programme 'Prescolar na casa, Educación Infantil Familiar', he got 'Infancine-94' Prize. He also got 'Moncho Valcárcel Prize' (1995) as well as 'Infancia', 'Cultural Initiatives', 'Lobo de Cinema' and 'Irmandade do Libro' Prizes.