Andrés Fernández - Albalat Lois

Birth Date: 23rd june 1924
Birth Place: A Coruña

Real Academia Galega

He studied Secondary Education in A Coruña, Exact Sciences for two years in Santiago de Compostela and graduated in Architecture in Madrid in 1956. During the summer of 1955, he enjoyed a grant in Italy.

In his native city, he made projects and directed a lot of buildings. He participated as architect in the glazed houses of Avenida de la Mariña in A Coruña; the fishermen’s blocks of flats in Sada; the remodelling and restoration of the sanctuary in A Pastoriza; the ceramic factory in Sargadelos, the retreat house of Lugo; the banking building in Pontevedra; Rosalía Museum; the Galician fruit and vegetable market; Coca-Cola bottling plant; the alterations in the present central office of the Galician Academy; the alterations in Emilia Pardo Bazán Museum and San Lázaro Stadium.

As for town planning, he made a proposal for the Ciudad de las Rías (an urban area of the whole coast between Ferrol and A Coruña) in order to integrate architecture and life in the landscape.

He is a member of the ‘Instituto Cornide de Estudios Coruñeses’, ‘Laboratorio de Formas de Galicia’, the patronage of the ‘Museo do Pobo Galego’, the technical commission of Rosalía de Castro Patronage, the Galician Academy of Sciences and San Fernando Fine Art Academy. He has been a member of the Galician Academy since 28th May 1999. It was then that he read the speech titled “Significante e significado. Linguaxe e arquitectura” in the name of Carlos Casares Mouriño Institution. He also held the office of treasurer from 20th December 2001 to 18th December 2009.

He usually participates in round-table conference and conferences related to his professional activity. He published several articles related to his activity: "Una arquitectura regional al nivel de nuestro tiempo", presented in the Fourth Conference on National Design in Sargadelos; "Urbanismo en Galicia", in the Seminary of Urban Studies organized by Caja Municipal de Ahorros de Vigo and "Control del ruído y manejo de la acústica como elemento del espacio", in the First Acoustic Conferences in Galicia.


*Text taken from the web of the Galician Academy