Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez

Category: Journalist
Birth Date: 10th June 1971
Birth Place: Lugo

She studied Information Sciences in Madrid, at Complutense University and San Pablo-CEU College, where she took her degree in 1994. In 2001, she took her doctors degree in Journalism in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Santiago de Compostela University with her thesis Os informativos diarios nas televisións locais de Galicia, in which she got the best qualifications. After working during the summers in the newspaper El Progreso (1989-1993), Ana Isabel Rodriguez has been developing a very important work in his professional activity.

From 1989 to 1997, he coordinated several audiovisual productions in Ophiusa, S.L. Video Producer, for the Xunta de Galicia, Galician TV and Spanish TV-Galicia.

In 1995, she worked as a correspondent of the newspaper ‘Diario 16 de Galicia’ in Lugo.

From 1994 to 1998, she directed and presented the news and special news on the local TV Televisión Lugo, S.A.

In 1997, she participated as a rapporteur in the course ‘Educación e Xornalismo’, organised by the Institute of Expression and Art of Lugo in the County Council of Lugo.

In 1999, she directed and presented the programme ‘Os nosos pobos’ on Spanish TV-Galicia and she was responsible for press in the PpdeG group in the City Council of Lugo until February 2002.

In July 2002, she participated as a rapporteur in the First Conference of Foreign Languages applied to Foreign Trade in the Faculty of Philology at Santiago de Compostela University.

In September 2002 she elaborated the study 20 anos de televisión local en Galicia. Estigmas, condicionamentos e retos by means of a scholarship of the Xunta de Galicia. In October that same year, she participated in the Conference on Local Televisions, organised by Santiago University and the Association of Galician Journalists. In November she collaborated as a rapporteur in the Conferences of Interdepartamental Communication, organised by the ‘Secretaría General de Relaciones con los Medios Informativos’ with the lecture titled ‘A televisión local en Galicia. 20 anos de andadura. A sociedade da información: novo reto para o espacio local televisivo’. In December that same year she elaborated the study Evolución da Lei do Audiovisual Galego de 1999, published by the Galician Audiovisual Observatory of Santiago de Compostela University. Nowadays she coordinates the contents of Citania Publications and Ophiusa S.L. She is also assistant director general of Interdix Galicia, S.L., and member of the research group of the Galician Audiovisual Observatory of Santiago University. Besides, she is a Professor at ‘O Raio Verde’ TV, Radio and Cinema Production School in Santiago, where she teaches ‘TV Production’ and the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Santiago de Compostela University (November 2003).

 Work & Activities

In addition to her professional experience, Ana Isabel Rodriguez has attended many courses and conferences related to her activity. She speaks Galician, English and French.