Alfonso Magariños Sueiro

Category: Historian and writer
Birth Date: 3rd October 1936
Birth Place: Arcos de Furcos - Cuntis (Pontevedra)

He took a degree in geography and History, Social Sciences and Theology and taught Sociology at the University College of Labour Relations in Vigo and Geography and History at the Secondary Schools of A Garda, Marín, A Guía (Vigo) and Mos, where he retired. He participated in the foundation of the magazines 'Encrucillada' and 'Nova Galicia' and collaborated with historical and journalistic works for some time in the magazines 'Berriak', 'Primera Plana', 'Grial', 'Mundo social', 'Religión y Cultura', 'Tiempo de Historia' and 'Noticias Obreras' as well as in the newspapers Teleexpress, Faro de Vigo, El Pueblo Gallego, La Voz de Galicia and Avoi. Nowadays, he devotes himself to research and essay and usually collaborates in the magazine 'A Taboada', which is published by cultural associations of Cuntis and Moraña (Pontevedra).

 Work & Activities

He wrote the following books: La Iglesia en la Galicia contemporánea: 1931-1936 (Madrid, Aqal, 1978), in collaboration with Francisco Carballo, Quiénes somos los gallegos (Barcelona, Epidauro, 1979), Galicia: conflicto e supervivencia (Vigo, Castrelos, 1979), A Emigración (Santiago, Laiovento, 1999), O monte comunal en Galicia: unha historia de resistencia (A Estrada, A Fouce, 1999), in collaboration with Dionisio Pereira and other authors, A obra educativa e cultural dos emigrados (Sada – A Coruña, Do Castro Publications, 2000) and A demografía na Galicia contemporánea 1900-1936 (Noia, Toxosoutos, 2003).