Alberto José Pazo Labrador

Category: Writer and professor
Birth Date: 5th January 1963
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
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He took a degree and a doctor's degree in Geography and History. He got an extraordinary prize for his degree and specialized in Applied Geography at Santiago University. He is a Professor at the School of Regional Geographic Analysis in the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Pontevedra (Vigo University). He directs the Geography working party that prepares the entrance tests to University. He is a member of the Galician Committee of the Territorial Delimitation in representation of Vigo University.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important scientific and divulgation publications: Geografía rural del municipio de Tordoya (1987), Los embalses de Fenosa y la geografía de Galicia (1988), Galicia, rexión de contrastes xeográficos (1990), Bibliografía de xeografía de Galicia (1990), Parroquias y arciprestazgos de Galicia (1994), La trama de los asentamientos rurales en las Rías Baixas Gallegas (1995), Poboación e territorio. As Parroquias galegas nos últimos cen anos (1995) and Guía bibliográfica para la formación geográfica del maestro (1998).