Agustín Fernández Paz

Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: In 1947 ( † 12th july 2016)
Birth Place: Vilalba (Lugo)

He was an expert industrial mechanic and teacher of Secondary Education. He took a degree in Education Sciences and a diploma in Galician Language. He worked as a teacher of Primary Education at several schools. He was a member of the cabinet of Studies for the Educational Reformation from 1988 to 1990 and member of the 'Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria', taking part in the group specialised in Language that prepared the curricular designs for Primary and Secondary Education. He worked as educational coordinator of Galician language from 1990 to 1995. He is a member of the Language Report of 'Consello da Cultura Galega' and the Technical Commission of Creation and Literary Studies.

He was teacher of Galician Language and Literature at 'Los Rosales 2' Secondary School in Vigo. He was a foundation member of the associations 'Avantar' and 'Nova Escola Galega'. Together with other teachers, he organised several events and participated in the elaboration of many didactic materials.

 Work & Activities

He was the author of several works published in newspapers and magazines, most of them about linguistic normalization in Teaching, language didactics, reading promotion, literature for children and the introduction of the media at school. He has given many courses and lectures on these topics.

He published the following books: A cidade dos desexos; As flores radiactivas; Contos por palabras; Lonxe do mar; O tesouro do dragón Smaug; As tundas do corredor; Rapazas; Trace anos de Branca; Unha lúa na fiestra; Cartas de inverno; Amor dos quince anos, Marilyn; Avenida do parque 17; O centro do labirinto; A néboa escura; O laboratorio do doutor Nogueira; Cos pés no aire; As fadas verdes; A nube de cores; O soño do merlo branco; Aire negro; Ana e o tren máxico; No corazón do bosque; Un tren cargado de misterios; Para lermos cómics 28 libros de literatura infantil e xuvenil galega; Os libros infantís galegos; Ler en galego; Facermos cómics; Animación á lectura; Os cómics nas aulas; A lingua no proxecto educativo e no proxecto curricular; A máxia das palabras; A literatura infantil e xuvenil en galego, No corazón do bosque, and Aire Negro (with this work he got 'Protagonista Jove' Prize in Catalonia).

 Other Interesting Aspects

In addition to all the prizes for his literary activity, (‘Merlín’ in 1989, ‘Lazarillo’ in 1990, ‘Edebé Juvenil’ in 1994 and 2005, ‘Barco de Vapor’ in 2003, ‘Martín Sarmiento’ in 2006, ‘Rañolas’…), he got the first prize at the Contest of Scripts for Didactic Video films in Fene (A Coruña) and 'Ourense' Prize for comic strips (1992). In 2001, villages of the 'Terra Cha' dedicated him 'Día das Letras Chairegas'. He was one of the directors of 'Merlín' Collection of literature for children and young people. He directed several series of didactic materials and the series of Galician Language (Canles, Labia and Lingua ESO). For his book Canles 5, he got 'Emilia Pardo Bazán' National Prize for non sexist text books, awarded by the Ministry of Education.

In 2004, the Galician Federation of Librarians awarded him the prize Irmandade do Libro. In 2008 he was awarded the National Children's Literature Prize for 'O único que queda é o amor', published by Xerais in Galician and Anaya in Spanish. In 2011, he received the Premio Iberoamericano SM de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Otero Pedrayo Foundation granted him Trasalba Prize in 2014.