He took a degree in Technical Architecture in A Coruña.COURSES AND SEMINARS:- 'Business management', Tea, Madrid, (1980).- 'Pert Programming' (1974).- 'Cinema and TV', Institute of Educational Sciences, Santiago (1983).- 'Production in Spanish and Galician TV'.- 'Professional seminar of cinematographic and TV production', Finance and Marketing. EFFAM.- 'Script of the audiovisual programmes. Juan Antonio Porto. Present moment of the Spanish cinema. UIMP'.- 'Congress about Copyright and its importance in the audiovisual means'.- 'Executive direction', Ricardo García Arrojo.- 'Seminar for the orientation of the Atlantic EAVE', presented by Enrique Nicanor and Jacqueline Pierreu.- 'Course of juridical orientations in audiovisual production', presented by Consuelo Mulero San José and organized by the Galician Centre of Art and Image (1994).- 'Cinema vs. TV', presented by Salvador Agustín and organized by the Galician Centre or Art and Image (1995).- 'Marketing and distribution', presented by Paco Rodríguez and organized by the Galician Centre of Art and Image (1997).PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYHe was founder of 'Espello Video Cine'; Director of production and manager director; CTV Director of production. Galaxia Communication; founder and executive producer of Ulci Production; founder and producer of ADAFILMES.
CINEMA 35 M/M: Urga (feature film, 1989), producer, executive producer and director of production; A sorte cambia (short, 1991), coproducer, executive producer and director of production; Coitadiños (short, 1992), producer, executive producer and director of production; O desexo (short, 1992), director of production; A Barbeiría (short, 1992), producer, executive producer and director of production; Dame lume (feature film, 1993), coproducer and executive producer; La ley de la frontera (feature film, 1995), coproducer; and Blanca Madison (feature film, 2000), producer, executive and director of production.
PRIZESHe was nominated in the section 'opera prima' for the ninth edition of 'Goya Prizes' 1994 for his film Dame Lume. He got 'Dr Felipe Soto' Prize to the best documentary about children: Tenemos un hijo (1985). He got a diploma in the 42nd Congress and Festival of Scientific Cinema (1991) for his documentary A Costa da Morte. He also got the first prize at the Festival of Medical Cinema in San Sebastián (1985) for his documentary Navegando hacia la vida.