Xosé Eduardo López Valiña

Category: Painter
Birth Date: 13th April 1972
Birth Place: O Páramo (Lugo)

He took a degree in Geography and History at Santiago University and specialized in Modern and Contemporary Art. During the period 1996-97, he took part in an art workshop at the hall of residence 'Burgo das Nacións'. He also attended the following courses: 'O lugar da pintura nos noventa', 'Arte y Literatura', 'A arte nos espacios públicos', 'Aproximaciones a creación I, II', 'Miradas arredor da arte contemporánea', 'Curso de aptitud pedagógica' and a course to improve his knowledge on Galician language.

 Work & Activities

INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS: -1999: 'Analítica-Instalación', 'Luisa Cuesta' Gallery, Santiago de Compostela; 'Habelas Hailas' Cafè, Santiago de Compostela -2000: 'Vender parcelas de ceo', Santiago de Compostela; 'Leiras', Association of Galician Architects, Santiago University. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS: -1997: 'Camiños', Faculty of Geography and History, Santiago University; Installation in the hall of residence 'Burgo das Nacións', Santiago University. -1998: 'Vértices', Faculty of Geography and History. 'Homenaxe de artistas galegos ó Ché no XXXI Aniversario da súa morte', Cultural Centre in Ferrol; 'Yo me remendaba...', 'Bacabú' Gallery, Lugo.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Part of his work can also be found at 'Eugenio Granell' Foundation, Santiago de Compostela.