Xosé Abad

Category: Photographer
Birth Date: 18th November 1956
Birth Place: Figueres (Girona)
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He started his professional activity as a photographer in 1979. He focuses on photojournalism, working with several agencies and media, artistic photography with individual works and exhibitions and advertising photography, which fills most part of his production. In 1987, he started his audiovisual works with five programmes for Spanish TV in Galicia, combining since then his photographical and audiovisual activity. He is a foundation member of the Galician Audiovisual Academy.

 Work & Activities

He participated in the following collective exhibitions: ‘Las mujeres del mundo cara a cara’, ‘Outono’, ‘A memoria recobrada’, ‘Construir la paz. Cultura para la paz’, ‘Exposición en Solidaridade con Bolivia’, ‘Cuerpo a cuerpo’, Casa das Artes e da Historia, ‘Mirando ao Sul’, Sala Charry (Oleiros - A Coruña), ‘Fotografía Erótica’, ‘Fotógrafos Gallegos’, Posada del Potró (Córdoba), ‘Dende o Atlántico’, ‘Outono Fotográfico’, ‘Contactos’, ‘A Cor’, ‘Espacios’, S. Municipal (Vigo), ‘Ollares no Tempo’, ‘Retrato de una Ciudad’, S. Municipal (A Coruña) and ‘O Mar’, S. Municipal (Vigo). He also carried out the following individual exhibitions: ‘O eterno feminino’, ‘Territorio Asháninka’, ‘Encuentros Etnosur’, ‘Crisis Economica - Crisis Industrial’, ‘Chiapas’, ‘Puerta Abierta’, ‘Imagenes de Luz e Aceite’, ‘Bienal Fotógrafica’ and ‘Alternativa para 6 nuevos autores’. Besides, he did works for cinema, TV and video: ‘Asháninkas en Defensa de su Territorio’ (2002), ‘Monte Alén, paraíso salvado’ (2001), ‘Murguía, instantes dunha vida’ (2000), ‘Territorio asháninka’ (2000), Europa Solidaria (audiovisual project, 1998), script and director of the video film ‘Gris púrpura’ (1991) and the video workshop ‘Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo’ (1987). He also made five programmes for Spanish TV in Galicia.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 1997, he was awarded ‘Luis Kasado’ First Contest on Photographic Creation and the first prize of the Photographic Contest of the City Council of Baiona. He was also awarded prizes in other contests and some of his works were acquired by the Xunta de Galicia, the City Council of Vigo, the County Council of A Coruña, the Port Authority of A Coruña and 10th March Foundation. His work was exhibited all around Galicia, Madrid, Barcelona, Switzerland, Portugal, Córdoba, Elgoibar and Germany. He gave courses and lectures all around Galicia and attended several courses and seminars all around Spain. Some of his articles were published in books, catalogues, monographs and magazines.