His interesting production as a writer has been presented in emblematic institutions such as Casa de América (Madrid), San Martín Cultural Centre (Buenos Aires - Argentina), Rosalía de Castro Theatre (Caracas - Venezuela), Los Andes University (Mérida - Venezuela), the Longoria Palace, General Authors Society’s venue (Madrid - Spain), Las Sirenas (Seville), the Book International Fair (El Corte Inglés - A Coruña), different festivals and theatres in Spain, Europe and America. He has written prologues for about forty books and reports about his work have been included in many magazines and newspapers all around the world.
He has published the following novels: ‘El Efecto Doppler’ (Castilian, 1999), ‘La memoria de los triángulos’ (Castilian, 2004); ‘Mudayyan’ (Castilian and Galician, 2005 and French and English, 2006); ‘The memory of the Triangles’ (English, 2006) and ‘La mémoire des Triangles’ (French, 2006).
FICTION: ‘Escritos da Nación Proibida’ (Galician, 2001); ‘Corsario de Ciudad’ (Castilian, 2002 and 2003) and ‘Corsair of city’ (English, 2005).
POETRY: ‘Nas corredoiras do íntimo estronicio’ (Galician, 1985); ‘Juegos de Olvido’ (Castilian, 2001 and 2003) and ‘Oblivion Games’ (English, 2006).
THEATRE: ‘Keltike’ (1984); ‘Nanta Enac Luf’ (1984); ‘Nemet ou o canto de sol do canto de sombra’ (1984); ‘Espada o prato’ (1985, it was translated into Castilian and Catalonian); ‘Cantigas para unha guerra’ (1985); ‘Altariac Eirin’ (1986); ‘O Papamoscas Vexetariano’ (1991) and ‘Petra e Karim’ (1992).
MULTIMEDIA: ‘El silencio de los árboles’ (Castilian, 2003-2004).
He has participated in the following poetic anthologies: ‘Palabras Mansas’ (Castilian, 2002); ‘II Antología Internacional Sensibilidades’ (Castilian, 2002); ‘Eñe, Antología Internacional de escritores’ (Castilian, 2003); ‘IV Antología Internacional Sensibilidades’ (Castilian, 2003); ‘V Antología Internacional Sensibilidades’ (Castilian, 2004); ‘Antología de poesía erótica: larguetto ma non tropo’ (Castilian, Venezuela, 2005); ‘Antología de narrativa: humor con extrema-unción’ (Castilian, Venezuela, 2005) and ‘Sensibilidades Oro, Antología Internacional ‘ (Castilian, 2005).
He participated in the new foundation of Partido Galeguista (PG) in Ourense (1978) and was elected member of the national council and secretary of the local executive committee in Ourense. He participated in the process for creating ‘Coalición Galega’ but he opposed to the dissolution of ‘Partido Galeguista’. Although he had retired from politics, he took part again in the national executive committee resulting from the alliance between the ‘Partido Nacionalista Galego’ and ‘Partido Galeguista’.
In 1990, he was elected president of the National Council of the PG.
He wrote ‘Galeguismo, a Identidade’, a manifesto presented on 5th December 2003, which marks his return to the political activity of the ‘Partido Galeguista’. In November 2004, he presented ‘Propuesta Galeguista de III Estatuto de Galicia’, a report for the 8th Conference, celebrated in Pontevedra; the proposal was approved by acclamation and he was elected president of the PG.
In the following two years, he wrote the final text of the ‘Propuesta Galeguista de III Estatuto de Galicia’. The ‘Consello Galeguista’ approved the proposal on 12th June 2006 in Ourense and presented it before the commission of the Galician Parliament for the debate and reform of the Galician Statute.
He promoted and founded ‘Alexandre Bóveda’ Foundation (Galicia), ‘Federación de Ateneos Galeguistas’ (Galicia) and ‘Ateneos Galeguistas’ in Ourense, Santiago, A Coruña, Narón, Lugo, Terras de Lemos, Vigo, Ponteareas, O Grove, Terra Chá and Terras de Cea, the ‘Centro de Iniciativas Socioculturales - CISDER’, ‘Clube Gastronómico Ourensán - Amigos da cociña rural da Galicia’, ‘Alternativa Editorial’ and ‘Portal Literario’, ‘A. C. Ourense Dixital’, ‘A.C. Cátedra de literatura en Internet’, ‘Kéltike Teatro’(Ourense) and ‘Taller Experimental de Teatro’(Carballiño) , ‘Cultural Chispeiro Chairego’ (Amoeiro), ‘Eixo dos Chaos’ (Amoeiro), ‘Libros de autor.com’, ‘Foro internacional Letras Libres’ and ‘NIRIP-Code’.
He directed the following theatre companies: ‘Kéltike Teatro’ (Amoeiro-Ourense), ‘Taller Experimental de Teatro’ (Carballiño) and ‘Orballo Teatro’ (1990-1992) and coordinated the ‘Festival do Teatro Galego’ (Carballiño, 1991 and 1992) and promoted ‘Expocarballiño’ Fair (1992). He also participated as an actor in the film ‘Fresas Amargas’ (Galicia, 1993).
He worked as a correspondent for ‘Faro de Vigo’ in O Carballiño (1992) and for ‘Cadena COPE’. He was also editor-in-chief of ‘Fashion & Angels’, editor and director of ‘Periódico de Ourense’, ‘T-Space’ and ‘Quincenal do Norte’; director of the TV channels ‘Carballiño TV’, ‘Ourense TV - Canal 55’, ‘Alto Támega TV’ and ‘Onda limia TV’. He was the vice-president of the Spanish Federation of Local TV (1994-1996) and director and presenter of ‘Séptimo grado’ and ‘Café tertulia’.
He was awarded the ‘Botón de Ouro’ (‘Fillos de Ourense’ Association) in Caracas (Venezuela, 2003) and was nominated as a honourable member of the Association of Writers of Mérida (Venezuela). Web page: www.xabier.org