Xosé Ramón Fandiño Veiga

Pseudonym: Morris
Category: Scriptwriter, writer and journalist
Birth Date: 11th January 1946
Birth Place: Santiago de Compostela
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He took a degree in Hispanic Philology at Santiago de Compostela University. He has been writer and editor of the Galician Encyclopaedia and the first volumes about Galician Geography. Nowadays, he is working in Santiago at the Galician Institute of Information, collaborating with Isaac Díaz Pardo in the cultural policy of 'Sargadelos' Group. He was collaborator, translator and scientific adviser in many important cultural events such as 'Galicia no tempo', 'Fifth centenary of Santiago University', 'Galicia Terra Única', 'Xacobeo 99'... He has gone up to the rostrum as lecturer and rapporteur at 'Casa de Galicia' in Madrid, the Galician Centre in Barcelona, Santiago University and Melbourne University (Australia), where he took part in conferences about Galician culture together with the rector Darío Villanueva with the lecture 'O camiño de Santiago e a literatura'.

 Work & Activities

He was the scriptwriter of the following serials for TV: 'Ayer' (a serial of monographic programmes about Galician culture, broadcasted in the second channel of the Spanish TV in 1987), 'Gallaecia Fulget' (a serial to commemorate the celebration of the Fifth Centenary of Santiago University, broadcasted on Galician TV) and 'Memoria con figuras' (it was based on the recreation of Galician people who stood out in politics and arts outside Galicia. It was directed by Professor Ramón Villares for Galician TV). As an essayist, we have to point out his studies on the Renaissance broad outlook and the baroque decline of literature in Galicia ('Séculos escuros' in Galicia Terra Única, 1997), the environment of the Galician literary circles in the 19th century ('Tiempo de Romanticismo' in Galicia Terra Única, 1997), the revival of Galician language and literature ('Achegamento a Rosalía' en De Rosalía a Castelao: Galicia, Museo do Pobo Galego, 1985; 'As letras dos vellos cartapacios' in Galicia Terra Única, 1997, the vision that Santiago de Compostela left in the great universal writers ('Rosa de pedra literaria en Compostela' in Compostela na Historia, Santiago, 1999), the modernisation of the studies on Castelao's stay in the USA as editor and author of the prologue of the posthumous book by Emilio González López Castelao, propagandista da República en Norteamérica ('Do Castro' Publications, 2000) or the critical and comparative edition of the manuscripts of the theatre play by Castelao Os vellos non deben de namorarse (Pontevedra's Museum, 'Galaxia' Publications, 2000). In addition to the Spanish version of the novels Os prisioneiros and Lucía McCartney by the Brazilian writer Rubem Fonseca, he translated several books to Galician language such as A catedral de Santiago e o Barroco (Association of Galician Architects, 1990); O patrimonio histórico da Universidade de Santiago (Galician Parliament, 1996); Historia da Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (1998), etc.