Xosé Benito Reza Rodríguez

Birth Date: 16th April 1956
Birth Place: Celanova (Ourense)
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-Forestry expert, Polytechnic University of Madrid (1975-1980).


-Environment expert, mainly in those areas related to nature, biodiversity, protected spaces and landscape.

-Director General for Nature Preservation, Xunta de Galicia (Santiago, 2005-2009).

-Head of the Natural Environment Service (Ourense, 1988-1997).

-Director of Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés and Invernadoiro Natural Parks (1995-1999).

-Promoter of the proposals for the creation of the Biosphere Reserves of the Eo River and the International Gerês-Xurés (UNESCO) 2009.

-Member of the National Committee of Flora and Fauna and the National Commission for Nature Protection (Madrid, 1997-2009).

-Drafter of the method of cost valuation of the Spanish Red Natura 2000 that was sent to the European Commission (Madrid, 2002).

-Promoter of the Law for the Protection of Galician Landscape (7/2008, 7th July).

-Member of the National Council of the European Federation of National and Natural Parks (Europarc - Spain).

 Work & Activities

-“Memorias do Pedal - O camiño portugués a Santiago”, Ir Indo Ed., Vigo (1999).


-“Celanova e o vento”, with Xosé Luis Méndez Ferrín, Ir Indo Ed., Vigo (1999).

-Biography of Manuel Curros Enríquez, Ir Indo Ed., Vigo (2001).

-“Galicia 2020”, joint author, Ir Indo Ed., Vigo (2001).

-“La Ribeira Sacra”, joint author, Edilesa, Caixanova (2001).

-“Vivir en Ancares”, Consellería de Medio Ambiente (1st Edition 2002 and 2nd Edition 2003).

-Biography of Arturo Noguerol Buján, Vigo (2003).

-“O Macizo Central Ourensán”, Caixa Galicia (2009).

 Other Interesting Aspects

-Foundation member of Curros Enríquez Patronage (Celanova).


-Secretary of Larouco Historic-Archaeologic Group (Lugo).

-Secretary of “Amigos do Couto Mixto” Association (Ourense).

-Member of Álvaro das Casas Association (Ourense).