Xoán Carlos Domínguez Alberte

Category: Teacher and writer
Birth Date: 24th july 1966
Birth Place: Escudeiros - Ramirás (Ourense)
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-Degree in Spanish Philology (1985-1990) and Galician Philology (1992) at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
-Scholar at Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Humanities Research (1994-1998).
-He worked at the Linguistics Service – University of Vigo (1998-1999).
-Responsible for the programme for the social and linguistic dynamization in Galicia (1999-2004).
-Adviser of the Secretary General for Linguistic Policy (2007-2009).
-Teacher of Galician language and literature since 2004.
-Writer. Regarding Galician literature, he combines his creative activity (mainly poetry and essay) with other cultural facets (translator, author of textbooks, responsible for the coordination and edition of texts and collaborator in a lot of books).

 Work & Activities

Author: “Roberto Blanco Torres e a loita pola supremacía ética” (1999); “Material de outono” (2000); “A natureza no reino da escuridade” (2003); “As horas luminosas” (2005); “Unha de tantas” (2007); “Incivil” (2009) and “Materia infinita” (2011).
Literary translations: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, “Lendas” (1998); Esopo, “Fábulas” (1999); Ovidio, “Arte de amar” (2001); Czeslav Milosz, Johannes Bobroski, Ernst Meister (poems in ‘A rama no aire’, supplement of Faro de Vigo -ed. Arousa-, 2005-2008).
Coordination: “Represión, solidariedade e resistencia antifranquista” (2007); “Migracións na Galicia contemporánea” (2008) and “Vieiros de palabra. Terra de Celanova – Baixa Limia en letras de autor” (2012).
Editions: “Mulher a facer vento” (1998); “I Premio Literario Manuel Luís Acuña” (2001); “Traballos da cuarta e quinta edición do Premio Literario Manuel Luís Acuña” (2005); “Son de poesía” (2005); “Actas do I (II, III e IV) Congreso Manuel Luís Acuña” (2001, 2005, 2008 and 2012); “Volverlles a palabra. Homenaxe aos represaliados do franquismo” (2006); “O ano da memoria na escola” (2006); “Ex toto corde. No oitenta aniversario de don Xesús Alonso Montero” (2009); “Voz da terra, arela de pobo” (2009) and “En defensa do Poleiro” (2009).

 Other Interesting Aspects

-Secretary of the “I Xornadas das Letras Galegas en Lisboa” (1998).
-Coordinator of the following exhibitions: ‘Manuel Luís Acuña e o seu tempo’ (2000); ‘Os mundos de Carlos Casares’ (2002) and ‘Corenta anos de traballo por Galicia. O compromiso da diáspora galega’ (2003).
-Coordinator of the “I - II Encontros de escritores en torno á montaña” (A Pobra de Trives, 2005 and 2006).
-Coordinator of the course “Migracións nas sociedades contemporáneas. Os desafíos na Galicia actual” (Caldas de Reis, 2007).
-Collaborator of the project “Antón Alonso Ríos. O siñor Afranio” (Terra de Celanova, 2008).
-Coordinator of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Conferences on Manuel Luís Acuña (A Pobra de Trives - 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2013).