Xesús Mato Mato

Pseudonym: J. Cabodevila, para composiciones musicales
Category: Priest, musicologist and writer
Birth Date: 29th October 1932 ( † 13th February 2024)
Birth Place: Cabodevila, San Martiño, Paradela (Lugo)


His parents were peasants. Together with his five brothers, he went to a rural school. From 1946 to 1958, he studied at the Seminary in Lugo to make the ecclesiastic career. From 1958 to 1967, he was coadjutor in Lalín (Pontevedra). In 1967, he worked in Madrid as broadcasting technician and editor. From 1968 to 1983, he worked as religious adviser and editor at the radio station 'Radio Popular' in Lugo. He has been the priest of six parish churches at the mountain in O Cebreiro (Lugo) since 1983. He also carried out biblical courses (for three years), courses about the Church Social Doctrine, courses about Galician language and musical adjustments. He taught Philosophy and Music at a private school from 1959 to 1964. From 1965 to 1967, he also taught Religion at the technical school in Lalín (Pontevedra). In 1967 and 1968, he worked as father confessor and adviser at the boarding school 'F. Obispado'.

 Work & Activities

He was the founder and first director of 'Radio Popular' in Lalín (1959-1964). He was the founder and first conductor of the Polyphony in Lalín (1958-1967). He was the founder and first coordinator of 'Auxilia' (organization that works for the disabled) in Lugo (1970-1977). He took part in the creation of the musical group 'Fuxan os Ventos' (1972) and 'Galicia canta ó neno'. He founded and conducted the choirs of the boarding schools 'Santísimo Sacramento' and 'Eijo y Garay'. He has been collaborating in the newspaper El Progreso since 1970. He also wrote articles in magazines and gave lectures at social gatherings. He made musical arrangements and transcriptions and is the author of the songs 'Fuxan os ventos' and 'Mencer'. He got some prizes such as 'Lucense do ano' (1991), the 'Fifth Prize Moncho Valcarce' (1998), 'Third prizes of traditional culture' organized by the cultural association 'Mª Castaña' and Journalism Prize about Christmas in Begonte (2009). Xesús Mato collaborated in the books Galicia canta ó neno and Por un lugo sen barreiras. Nowadays, he is preparing the chapter about 'Pilgrims' for a new book titled 'Á beira do Camiño'.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was honoured as 'honorary citizen' on 30th March 2005. He was honoured with this distinction in a ceremony attended by a large number of people on 19th june 2005.


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