Xesús Lorenzo Varela Vázquez

Category: Poet
Birth Date: In 1916 (†In 1978)
Birth Place: Havana (Cuba)

He lived with his parents, who were Galician emigrants, in Cuba and Argentina for some years. Then, he returned to Lugo, where he studied Secondary Education and got in touch with outstanding Galician nationalists of that time such as Ramón Piñeiro, Castelao, Paz Andrade, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Ricardo Carvalho Calero, Xosé Velo and Francisco Fernández del Riego. Some years later, he moved to Madrid, where he went on defending the Republic by means of the Pedagogical Missions, the magazine ‘PAN’ and ‘El Sol’, the newspaper in which he collaborated as a literary critic. He also got in touch with Eugenio Granell, Rafael Dieste and Carlos Maside and became a member of the Comunist Party. At the end of the Civil War and the Republic defeated, he left to France. Shortly after, he fled to Mexico, where he went on with his journalistic activity and literary creation in several magazines such as ‘Romance’ and ‘Taller’. In the late 1941, he travelled to Argentina again, where he made friends with Rafael Dieste, Luis Seoane and Eduardo Blanco Amor. As a member of the Comunist Party and as a result of the coup d’état in 1976, he left Argentina and established himself again in Madrid, where he lived until his death in 1978.

 Work & Activities

During the Spanish Civil War, he collaborated in radical political publications such as ‘Hora de España’ and ‘El Mono Azul’. From 1941 onwards, he developed his poetic work in Argentina: ‘Torres de amor’ (1942, written in Castilian), ‘Catro poemas galegos’ (1951) and ‘Lonxe’ (1954). Besides, he went on with his journalistic activity, collaborating in Clarín, El Mundo and La Nación and in some magazines such as ‘Primera Plana’, ‘Sur’ and ‘Cabalgata’. Other works were published posthumously: ‘Homaxes’ (1979), a collection of poems written both in Galician and Castilian, ‘Obra Poética Completa’ and ‘Ensayos, conferencias y otros escritos’, written in Castilian.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 2005, he was dedicated the Day of the Galician Letters.