Xesús Ferro Ruibal

Birth Date: 28th september 1944
Birth Place: Rebón, Moraña (Pontevedra)

Real Academia Galega

He finished his studies on Theology in the Seminary of Santiago (1965) and Classic Philology in Rome (1969). He was a teacher of Latin in Secondary Schools and nowadays he is a researcher at Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Humanities Research (Santiago de Compostela). He entered the Galician Academy on 4th May 1996 and worked on sociolinguistics, onomastic and regulations.

Regarding Greek and Latin Philology, he published De varia Christianorum habitudine erga cultum et rem classicam (1982 Barcelona: ETD) and Dido e Eneas. Xénese nacemento e vida de dous personaxes polémicos da Eneida (Concepción Arenal. Monograph 1, Santiago 1983). He wrote the text book to study Latin titled De onte a hoxe. Latín 2º de BUP (Xunta de Galicia 1984; Vigo: Xerais 1989) and Novos textos para a introducción no latín. 3778 refráns latinos (Santiago, 1990) about articles of Latin didactics. "Tres escritores latinos na Galicia do século XX" in ÁLVAREZ, Rosario and VILAVEDRA, Dolores (coords.) (1999): Cinguidos por unha arela común: Homenaxe ó profesor Xesús Alonso Montero, II. Literatura. University of Santiago; 555-573. He participated in the translation of the Bible into Galician language: O Novo Testamento (Vigo: September 1978) and A Biblia (Vigo: September 1989) and published "Reflexións verbo da traducción da Biblia ó galego" in Viceversa 5, 1999, 11-39.

Regarding phraseology, he wrote Refraneiro Galego Básico (Vigo: Galaxia, 1987); Refráns da xustiza (Vigo: AFNL, 1995); Refraneiro galego da vaca con Pedro Benavente (Santiago: CIRP, 1995) and Refraneiro galego máis frecuente (La Voz de Galicia, 2002). He entered this Academy with the work Cadaquén fala coma quen é. Reflexións verbo da fraseoloxía enxebre (A Coruña: RAG, 1996). At Ramón Piñeiro Centre he directed Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega (13 volumes published in 2011), international magazine in Galician language, where he published 19 works. He coordinated the I Coloquio Galego de Fraseoloxía (Actas, Xunta de Galicia 1998) and the Galician translation of two Slavonic phraseology books by Valerii Mokienko (2000) and another one by Baránov-Dobrovol’skij (2009). He works in Tesouro de Fraseoloxía Galega. He collaborated with phraseological notes in Irimia (1992-1996), in Tabeirós Terra (1998 and 1999) and also in Radio Galega. Outside Galicia, he published “A comparación fraseolóxica como radiografía lingüística” (2008) and “Paremias meteorolóxicas galegas: crítica e hermenéutica deste xénero literario” (2012). He coordinated the edition of the unpublished book by Xosé Augusto Ventín Durán (Refraneiro de Moscoso e outros materiais de tradición oral. Anex 1 in Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, 2007). In 2010, in collaboration with Pedro Benavente Jareño, he published O libro da vaca. Monografía etnolingüística do gando vacún (Santiago: Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Humanities Research)

Regarding onomastics, he directed Diccionario de nomes galegos (Vigo: Ir indo 1992) [abridged version O teu nome (Vigo, Ir indo 1994)], studied the names of the ships and participated in the Onomastic Seminary of the Galician Academy. He published "Onomástica gallega, lo hecho y lo por hacer" (Pamplona 2005)

He studied and defended the autonomy of Galician language in contrast to Spanish and Portuguese: "O acordo ortográfico e morfolóxico de 1982. Entre a utopía foneticista e as heterografías lusistas" (I Encontros Labaca. Sada: Ed. do Castro, 1984; 177-307). "A planificación do corpus no galego" (Actas do Congreso Internacional da Cultura Galega. Santiago 1990. Consellería de Cultura, 1992, 375-382). "Gallicia / Gallizia / Gallisia / Galliza. O nome castelán da nosa terra" in ÁLVAREZ, Rosario and SANTAMARINA, Antón (eds.) (2004): (Dis)cursos da escrita: Estudos de filoloxía galega ofrecidos en memoria de Fernando R. Tato Plaza. A Coruña: Pedro Barrié de la Maza Foundation; 259-283. He also expressed his opinion about regulations in nine press articles (July 1986; December 2001)

He is also the author of A Igrexa e a lingua galega. (Santiago: Consello da Cultura Galega, 1987), "Algúns textos relixiosos galegos anteriores á admisión do galego como lingua litúrxica" (in López Muñoz - Ferro Ruibal (2000): A palabra fai camiño. A Coruña: Irimia Association; 43-159); “Unha sociolingüística cualitativa e terapéutica para a Galicia de hoxe” in Cadernos de lingua 27, 2005, 5-35; and several articles in Grial, Cadernos de Lingua and Encrucillada, in addition to others texts created for "Palabras milenarias" (Irimia 545,1998-1999,7) or "¿Por qué falámo-lo galego?" (Tabeirós Terra)

He is a member of the technical commission that directed the elaboration of the General Plan for the Standardization of Galician Language (Galician Parliament 22/9/2004; BOPG 622; 7/9/2004). He participates in the promotion of Galician language in Church (in liturgy, in Fátima, Encrucillada, in the campaign Galegos de por vida, Bienio Irmandiño; he is the author of the paraliturgic text of the XV Romaxe de crentes galegos de 1992) and in Business: he wrote two stories for Contos do Castromil (“A miña oportunidade” and “Os papiros do Medulio”) (1992) and “Non hai resposta mellor có amor” (2010) for Travibús. In 2002, he was asked to create an educational game of Galician culture: O Preguntoiro and in 2008 he was asked to create, direct and present a miscrospace about Galician language for TV: o Ben falado! The programme explained the most varied linguistic aspects. The 480 programmes, produced with Pórtico, began to be broadcasted in different channels of Galician TV on 21st July 2008; afterwards, DVD editions were made for Galician schools and Centres for Galician Studies all around the world: Ben falado! (2010) and Ben falado! Volume 2 (2012). He published an unpublished book about Theology by Celestino García Romero (Inferno e gloria. Vigo: September 2000); some articles about history (Boletín da Real Academia Galega  and A Taboada), biographical sketches of Fernández del Riego, Torres Queiruga, Filgueira Valverde, Díaz Pardo, Sarmiento, Carlos Casares, Chao Rego, Moncho Valcarce, Marcos Valcárcel, Miguel Grande and Fernando Pereira and the prologue for a dozen books.


Text taken from the web of the Galician Academy www.realacademiagalega.org