Xesús Blas Lourés

Category: Painter
Birth Date: 28th November 1926 (4th March 2015)
Birth Place: Lugo


He studied Art in Madrid and got a scholarship from the County Council of Lugo in 1949, 1950 and 1951. He taught Drawing for several years at the Diocesan Seminary and 'Sagrado Corazón' School in Lugo. Since 1969 he was teaching Painting and Drawing at 'Círculo de las Artes' Society in Lugo.

 Work & Activities

He presented works in the following collective exhibitions: 'Galician Contemporary Art' in Santiago (1954); 'National Exhibition' in Alicante (1957); 'Nacional Exhibition' in Seville (1957), 'Os Urogallos' Group (Lugo, 1963), 'Beiras' Institute (Vigo, 1969); Biennial in Pontevedra (1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974), Fourth Exhibition of Outdoor Art (Vigo, 1971), 'Arte Joven de Galicia' (A Coruña, 1973), Painting, Drawing and Sculpture Exhibition (Guitiriz, 1973), Painting, Drawing and Sculpture Exhibition (Noia, 1973), 'Eduardo Blanco Amor' (Vigo, 1976), 'Mostra de Outono' (A Coruña, 1979), 'Séptimo Salón de Arte Lorient' (1982), International Contest of Contemporary Art ('Salón de las Naciones' in Paris, 1984), Itinerant Exhibition 'Dezasete pintores de Lugo' (Buenos Aires, 1986, Lugo and other Galician cities in 1987). He has carried out the following individual exhibitions: Gallery of the City Council of Lugo (1960), 'Caixa de Aforros Municipal de Vigo' (1967), Pontevedra Athenaeum (1968), Information and Tourism Office (A Coruña, 1968), 'Velázquez' Gallery (Madrid, 1975), 'Caixa de Aforros Municipal de Vigo' (1975), 'Círculo de las Artes' Gallery (Lugo, 1973 and 1977), 'BCI' Gallery (Lugo, 1979 and 1986), 'Caixa Galicia' (A Coruña, 1982 and Santiago, 1983), 'BCI' Gallery (Lugo, 1986), 'Banco Gallego' (Lugo, 1991 and 1994) and 'Almirante' Gallery (Lugo, 1999). Blas Lourés also illustrated the following books: Almanaque Cartonajes Anmi (Lugo, 1960), A Nosa Terra (Golden Book for Ramón's Cabanillas Centennial, Vigo, 1976) and some books by writers from Lugo such as: ¿E decímolo ou non o decimos? (Anxel Fole, Lugo, 1992), Os Eidos (Uxío Noveneyra, Vigo, 1991), A Fraga Amurallada (Darío Xohán Cabana, Ourense, 1982), Pucharcas (Antón Grande, Lugo, 1987) and Poesía Fea (Lupe Gómez, Santiago, 2000). One of his works appears in the books Homenaxe a Manuel María (A Coruña, 1995), Homenaxe a Uxío Novoneyra (Santiago, 1999) and Tradiciones, Mitos, etc. (Jesús Vázquez Gallego, Lugo, 1990).

In 2012, the provincial Museum of Lugo made an anthological exhibition of his works. 

 Other Interesting Aspects

These are some of the most important prizes he got: 'Círculo das Artes' Second Painting Prize (1954), 'Educación y Descanso' Drawing First Prize (Lugo, 1958), 'Educación y Descanso' Painting First Prize (1959), 'Meigas e Trasgos' First Prize (Sarria, 1972) and 'Bimilenario de Lugo' Third Painting Prize (1976). He appears in the following bibliography: Plástica Gallega (Francisco Pablos, Vigo, 1981), 'Caixavigo' Collection volume 2 (Vigo, 1994), Dezasete Pintores de Lugo (Lugo, 1986), Gran Enciclopedia Gallega, Gallegos (El Correo Gallego, 1990), Diccionario de Fole (Xosé de Cora, Lugo, 1997), Lugo XX. Historia de un siglo, volume 3 (1973, El Progreso, Lugo, 2000), Homes de Lugo (José Mouriz), Patria do Mar (Darío Xoán Cabana, poem Blas Lourés), Gallegos. Quién es quién en la Galicia del siglo XXI, El Correo Gallego, 2002 and Guía de Artistas de Galicia 2003, Xunta de Galicia. One of his drawings appears in the book Bibliografía de Manuel María by Camilo Gómez Torres.