Francisco Fernández del Riego

Pseudonym: Salvador Lorenzana, Cosme Barreiros, Adrián Solovio
Category: Writer and lawyer
Birth Date: 7th January 1913 (†26th November 2010)
Birth Place: Lourenzá (Lugo)


Homenaje a Fernández del Riego (Vídeo)

In 1930, he began to study Law in Madrid and went on at Santiago University. He also studied Philosophy and Arts. In Compostela, he carried out a great cultural activity. He collaborated in the Seminary of Galician Studies and the Committee of Intellectual Cooperation. He edited the magazine Universitarios and was the secretary of the magazine Alento. After taking his degree in Law, he worked as assistant lecturer. When the Civil War broke out, he was dismissed as professor. When the war was over, he moved to Vigo. In the 40's, he started his political activity in secrecy, together with Ramón Piñeiro and other members of the political party Partido Galeguista, who had been hidden to reshuffle the movement for Galician autonomy. He was one of the founders of the publishing house Galaxia, which was one of the most important projects in the Galician history. Together with Ramón Piñeiro, he edited the magazine Grial. In 1960, he was elected as member of the Galician Academy. On his initiative, the members of the Galician Academy decided to establish the Day of the Galician Letters. Since it was founded, he directed the 'Penzol' Library. Since then, he carried out an important cultural and intellectual activity. In his books, articles, lectures and other cultural activities, he reflected his work in the service of Galicia. He was also the president of the Galician Academy.

 Work & Activities

He was the author of many studios, works and articles. These are some of his best-known works: Álvaro Cunqueiro e o seu mundo; Antolín Faraldo, o gran soñador, Anxel Casal e o libro galego; Blanco Amor, emigrante e autodidacta; El Camino de Santiago; O cego de Pumardedón; Cos ollos do noso esprito; Danzas populares gallegas; Diccionario de escritores en lingua galega; Escolma da literatura galega; Escolma de poesía galega (Séculos XIX-XX); Escritores de Portugal e do Brasil; Galicia; Galicia no espello; Galicia y nuestro tiempo; Historia da literatura; Índice cultural e artístico do renacemento galego; Letras do noso tempo; Luís Seoane desde la memoria; Manual de Historia da literatura galega; Un país e unha cultura; Pensamento galeguista dos séculos XIX-XX; As peregrinacións xacobeas; A pesca galega de mar a mar; Poesía galega; Presencia de Vigo na industria do libro e nas publicacións periódicas; O río do tempo; San Andrés de Teixido; O Señor da casa grande de Cima de Vila; La Universidad gallega ante el momento actual; Vocabulario castellano-gallego; A xeración Galaxia.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of many Galician socio-cultural institutions. He got different prizes such as 'Pedrón de Ouro', 'Trasalba', Prize for cultural creation, Prize for Arts in Galicia and distinctions such as 'Castelao' medal, 'Doctor Honoris Causa' at Vigo University, 'Golden Badge' at Santiago University... In January 1995, he bestowed his bibliographic collection and private files on the people of Vigo. In this way, the 'Fernández del Riego' Library-Museum was placed in the 'Casa Galega da Cultura'. He was awarded the Galician Golden Medal (Xunta de Galicia) on the same day he gave up his post as president of the Galician Academy.