Vicente Irisarri Castro

Category: Mayor of Ferrol
Birth Date: In 1951
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)

He studied Naval Engineering at the University of Madrid and attended several postgraduate courses.

 Work & Activities

His professional experienced was always based on business management, both in private and public firms.
He was the president of Portos de Galicia, attached to the ‘Consellería de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas e Transportes’, Xunta de Galicia, and participated in the planning and management of the Galician port system, basic infrastructures for the economic development of Galicia. At the moment, he is mayor of Ferrol.
He directed Fenya and Passco -cooperative in A Coruña, Vigo and Lugo- and was the president of the port governing body. During this stage, the area of the Curuxeiras Pier was remodelled with promenades and balconies; Caranza and A Graña Beaches were created, the so-called “Novo Muelle” and Endesa terminal were brought into operation and the Outer Port is a reality today. All this was possible thanks to the fantastic teamwork of the port staff and the collaboration with all local, Galician and national institutions.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He also founded and directed the Ocean Surf Club and the Pantin Classic International Competition for 18 years.