Businessman since 1981, he has been the president of the Galician Commerce Federation since 2001 and vicepresident of the Spanish Commerce Confederation. Besides, he is on the board of directors of the Galician Businessmen Confederations and the Commission of Commercial Equipments and the ‘Consello Galego de Consumo’, president of Lugo’s Commerce Federation since 2001 and member of the board of directors of the Businessmen Confederation of Lugo, the Chamber of Commerce and the Foundation of Fairs and Exhibitions.
As a president of the Galician Commerce Federation, he always defends the interests of Galician small shops, taking part in all organisms that make decisions about this sector. He attends the meetings to draft the four-year plan for the modernisation of retail trade in Galicia, as well as the new law for Commerce. This plan comprises campaigns for the promotion of small trade, the profesionalisation of the sector by means of an important formative programme and the information of economical aids for the computerization of the commercial establishments, early retirement and commercial revitalization of the city centres, among others. In 2002, he attended the third Conference on Galician Commerce, organised by the Galician Commerce Federation, which gathered over two hundred professionals of the sector from Spain and Portugal.