-Degree in Law at Santiago University and Social Graduate.-Civil servant in the Galician autonomous region. She was director general at the 'Consellería de Familia e Promoción do Emprego, Muller e Xunventude'.-Member of the permanent committee of the International Year of the Family.-Member of the interdepartmental committee to fight against poverty.-Member of the Interinstitutional Galician Committee of the young people.-Member of the Tripartite Committee of Prevention and Integration of people dependent on drugs. -Member of the 'Consello Galego de Servicios Sociais'.-Member of the 'Consello Galego de Consumo'.-Member of the committee of 'interconsellería coordination in the matter of drug addiction.-Member of the coordinating committee for linguistic normalization.-President of the organization committee of the International Congress of the Family.-Member of the 'Consello Galego de Promoción de Igualdade do Home e da Muller'.-Member of the forum for integration of immigrants.-President of the Galician Foundation for Adults Protection.-Member of the Galician Committee of conscientious objection.-Member of the Infancy Observatory.
She attended congresses, courses, lectures, conferences and seminars such as the International Conference about 'Population and Development' in El Cairo (Egypt).