Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez

Pseudonym: Toño
Category: Teacher
Birth Date: 2nd October 1966
Birth Place: Pontevedra
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He works as a teacher of Primary Education at 'O Piñeiriño' School in Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra) and he is studying Education Sciences at the Open University.

 Work & Activities

He is very keen on Computer Science and Galician Language. He has carried out activities in Galician (Mamíferos, aves, anfibios, réptiles e peixes; Xogamos coa táboa de multiplicar; O cultivo do millo; Letras Galegas 2001: Eladio Rodríguez González and Encrucillados Temáticos) as well as over fifty translations from Galician into Spanish. He participated in the translation of the programme 'Hot Potatoes' into Galician, created by the Department of Computer Science at Victoria University (Canada).