Salvador Etcheverría Brañas

Birth Date: In 1894
Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)

He took a degree in Law and was the civil gobernor during the first period of the Second Republic. He was arrested in A Coruña during the Civil War but an influential Jesuit friend of his family got a release permit. Salvador used that moment to flee from Portugal to Cuba. That was the beginning of his history.
He was on the diplomatic corps in Santo Domingo and was consul general of Veracruz (México) and ambassador in Guatemala and Mexico. In 1955, he moved to Paris as minister of Information, Propaganda and Files (Gordon Ordax was the president at that moment).

 Other Interesting Aspects

Thanks to an extensive bibliographic work and the collaboration of the various governments of the countries where he lived, he began to create a private data bank to look up the whole biography of the Etcheverría family that dates from the Aquitania Dukedom in France.
The origin of the Etcheverría family (A Coruña) dates back to Juan Etcheverry, who was French and established himself in Betanzos, where he founded the Etcheverría Bank and a leathery factory that became one of the most important ones in Galicia). The original surname, Etcheverry, turned into “Etcheverría” to give it the Spanish ortography throughout generations.