She graduated in Drama at the Performing Arts and Theatre College in Gijón (1992- 1996)
She attended courses with teachers from different Spanish regions: Etelvino Vázquez (Asturias), Margarita González (León), Carmen Gallo (Basque Country), Vicente León (Madrid), Jaroslaw Bielsky (Polland), Maxi Rodriguez (Asturias), Fernando Bernués (Basque Country), Santiago Sánchez (Valencia)...
1992-1994: Singing
1992-1995: Orthophony
1992-1995: Body language
1992-1994: Classic dance
1993: Fencing
2012: “La emoción en escena” by Etelvino Vázquez.
2011: “Comedia del arte” by Pablo Sánchez
2010: “Shakespeare, aplicación técnica de Laban” by Alfredo Padilla (Centro Dramático Galego).
2010: “Curso de improvisación” by Mariana Carballal.
2009: “Curso de danzas populares” by Fusa Guillén.
2009: “Curso de lenguaje Furero” with Fura dels Baus.
2009: “Curso de interpretación delante de la cámara” by Eva Lesmes and Javier Gancedo.
2008: “Curso de acción física al entrenamiento” by Julián Herrero Muñoz.
2008, “Creación escénica” by Marta Carrasco.
2008: “Curso de cine” with Esteban Roel at the Cinema Institute of Madrid.
2002: “Técnicas de payaso de hospital” at Festiclown
2001: “Comedia del Arte” with Antonio Fava.
2001: “En busca de nuestra entidad cómica” by Leo Bassi.
2000: “Curso de Interpretación frente a la cámara” by Assumpta Serna.
1999: “El bufón” by Leo Bassi.
1998: “Comedia del Arte” by Fabio Mangolini.
1993: “Técnicas de Clown”, celebrated in Asturias with Javier Alcorta (Chortas)
1992: “Expresión Corporal: Movimiento y Observación” by Mayi Chambaud (Granada)
1992: “Biodanza” by Margarita Kerger, celebrated in Cogollos de Vega (Granada)
1992: “Mis juegos (un proceso evolutivo)” by Susana Olaya (neuropathist expert on Rebirthing) and Alfredo Mantovani.
1992: “Expresión Corporal” by Larraul (San Sebastián) and Mayi Chambeaud (teacher of dance and body language at the National Drama College in Buenos Aires).
2009/12: “Atra Bile”- Teatro de Ningures, directed by Etelvino Vázquez and text by Laila Ripoll. FETEGA Award 2009 (best performance) and FETEGA Award 2012 elected by the public.
2008/09: “Una primavera para Aldara” - Teatro do Atlántico, directed by Xulio Lago and text by Teresa Moure. This performance got nine María Casares awards.
2007: “A lo lejos” – Caryl Churchill, directed by Daniel Salgado for the Drama College in Vigo.
2006: “As veces sentímonos tan cansos que facemos estas cousas” – Nove-Dous, directed by Roberto Cerdá and texts by Rodrigo García.
2003: “O Porqué das cousas” – Nove-Dous, directed by Roberto Cerdá and texts by Quin Monzó.
2001: “Historias Mínimas” - Nove-Dous, directed by Jouse García and text by Javier Tomeo.
1999: “Últimamente non durmo nada”- Teatro da Lúa, directed by Gina Picirilli and text by Dorotea Bárcena.
1999: “Xelmirez ou a Gloria de Compostela”- Centro Dramático Galego, directed by Roberto Vidal Bolaño and text by Daniel Cortezón.
1998: “Crimes Anónimos” -Nove-Dous, directed by Roberto Cerdá and text by Max Aub.
1997: “Pareja Abierta” - Orballo Teatro, directed by Jouse García and text by Darío Fó.
1996: Foundation of Nove-Dous Theatre Company.
1996: “La fierecilla domada”, ITAE, directed by Santiago Sánchez and text by W. Shakespeare.
1994: “El porqué de las cosas”, ITAE, directed by Fernando Bernués and text by Quin Monzó.
1992: “Petra y Karim” - Taller Experimental de Teatro, directed by Xavier González and text by Fassbinder.
1991: “Un, Catro, Nove, Dous”- Orballo Teatro, directed by Xavier González and text by Xan Pinal.
1990: “O Papamoscas”- Taller Experimental de Teatro, text and direction by Xabier González.
1989: “Alucina Colón” - Orballo Teatro, directed by Xosé Manuel Paz and text by Xan Pinal.
1992: “Luciérnagas”, directed by José Luis Garci.
1993: “Fresas Amargas”, directed by Carlos Pérez.
2002: “Despertar en París” (short), directed by M. I. Nanín.
2007: “O Faro” (documentary-short), directed by Manuel Mouriño.
2008: “El Secuestro” (short), directed by Esteban Roel.
2009: “Vida e obra de Luis Seoane” (documentary), directed by Manuel Mouriño.
2006: Pepe ó Inglés, directed by Carlos Ares for TVG.
2005: Libro de Familia, directed by Mariana Carballal for TVG.
1992: Historias del otro lado II, directed by José Luis Garci for TVE.
Since 1992 she has giving courses working for different city councils, associations and schools.
AWARDS: Fetega 2012 (Best actress).